How many hours a day do you spend using the computer?

How many hours do you spend daily using the computer?

  • less than 1 hour

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1-2 hours

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • 2-3 hours

    Votes: 4 3.8%
  • 3-4 hours

    Votes: 14 13.2%
  • 4-5 hours

    Votes: 14 13.2%
  • more than 5 hours

    Votes: 71 67.0%

  • Total voters


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
I mean, provided you have nothing to do and have like 2 months free (like summer vacations, at least where I live). Basically when you have lot's of time and can do anything you want.
I spend too much time on here, but who cares! :D I love it.
Well what else is there to do, play sports? Go outside with friends? **** no. I sit for the whole day. Obviously almost eveyone here is going to have more than 5 unless they are working.
oh - didn't read your post, just the subject. If I was on vacation it'd probably be a couple of hours at most.
If I don't have school or any plans....maybe 15 hours....But since it's the summer I'm usually out with my friends or something, but most days, about 15 hours.
24 hours a day. Doctor hooked up the drip into the computer case and we got the chair modified...
I spend 8 hours using a computer at work, and also providing technical support. Then I come home I spend another 3-6 hours on my own computer.
Yay, I'm not the only one :] Shame I've got to wear glasses because of this. My eye eee... impairment is like -3.00. But I got most of it before I found out that 60Hz is not an optimal refresh rate.
joule said:
Too many.
same, first response i thought of when i read the thread topic. About 5-6 hours i'd say which is too many for me imo...
11/12-ish. Too, too much, but then what the hell else is there to do.

The ironic thing is that I don't even accomplish much online - I don't bother with e-friends, I don't contribute all that regularly to forums, and I only play CS for about an hour or 2 hours a day. I dunno what I do or where the time goes.
LOL, this topic soon will be like:

<let's say... Ronald>Hi, I'm Ronald
<all>Hiiiii Rooonaaaaalld
<Ronald>I'm a computer addict and I'm using my PC for 15 hours a day. However 2 days ago I used it only for 10 hours. *mumbles*cause those bitches cut off the power supply for the rest of the damn day
<Ronald>*bursts into tears*
oh shit I voted wrong... for me it's about 10 per day
SHIPPI said:
Too much.. waaaay too much. There's nothing else to do though. I mean, I can wake up and think 'So, what shall I do today'. And I can think of nothing. No way to get anywhere, nowhere within walking distance to go, no friends living near me... bleh

Sounds like you need a mate
usually 6+ hours a day, the fact the work I am doing right now involves me making a website contributes, some days I dont even turn the computer on actually.
LittleB said:
Sounds like you need a mate

But we all have our invisble friends here!

I live in the middle of nowhere, therefore 60%, 40% training and working out.
If I didn't have a job, maybe 6 or 7 (a few hours each night, plus a few during the day playing games or trying to learn programming stuff).

But this year I have a summer job that happens to involve using the computer, so now I'm up to around 11 or 12 hours a day on the computer. I can feel my eyes slowly burning away in my skull....
On a normal school-day, I would spend about 3-4 hours. On a summer day, it shoots up to about 11.
The computer thing, well on a normal day about 6 hours, any other day...about 6 hours.
On weekdays, probably about 4 hours a day, since I work. On weekends, way too much. Sigh, I have no social life. :(
no job + no car (at the moment) = 17 1/2 hours
(although the time may not be accurate but i think close) and the rest is for sleepy time, :sleep: but that total sometimes reaches a few days straight when a good LAN party is in town
1 ~ 3.

Trying not to get addicted to this site and BF2.
About 12. But if it's a normal day (not summer holidays), then it's more like 9 or so.
On the summer break it's much more than 5, but when the school starts I reckon it will drop to like 2-3/day.
It's around 5 on a school day (9pm-2am), more on holidays. The problem is that I have to share my comp with three siblings.
:dozey: Lately, i've been on the PC about 3-5 hours a day.
5 hours + easily, sumtimes a whole day if i get really bored in the hols.. i mean common im on holiday in florida atm n im on a computer rite now wooo!!
If I'm not forced to do anything otherwise, I play World of Warcraft about...14 hours a day.

With some small breaks of course for eating/browsing forums/washroom.

Actually...maybe it's closer to 12 actually playing WoW, 13 on the computer.