How many hours will it take to beat DooM 3?


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
Did ID say how many hours DooM 3 will be? it better be long coz the mp is not gonna be much, also is hl2 40 hours they said?
PC gamer said 24 I think...I will check real quick. And Half-Life 2 should be 36 hours...I think, 9 chapters that are 4 hours long each? Somthing like that.
Not really, most games are about 15 hours. The original half-life was....20 hours I think.
According to PC Gamer, they beat in 23 hours on medium difficulty. I am pretty slow (I like to take my time) when playing video games, so it will probably take me 32 hours to beat in on medium difficulty.

As for HL2, you will have to wait until they finish. They have said it should be somewhere in the 40 hour range. We won't know for sure until it is out.

[Edit]: Half-Life was in the 30 hour range. That was a long-time for games back then. For reference, a person can complete Max Payne 2 in about 8 hours (from what I have read from reviews). So 23 hours for a single player game isn't that short.
KOTOR was 40 hours and that was a very long game.
I'm sure Doom 3's game length will increase severely as of people being to shit scared to run down a corridor so will just end up walking everywhere very, very slowly with the flashlight on constantly. Fun day's ahead.
Dux said:
I'm sure Doom 3's game length will increase severely as of people being to shit scared to run down a corridor so will just end up walking everywhere very, very slowly with the flashlight on constantly. Fun day's ahead.
lol thats gonna be me.
Dux said:
I'm sure Doom 3's game length will increase severely as of people being to shit scared to run down a corridor so will just end up walking everywhere very, very slowly with the flashlight on constantly. Fun day's ahead.
Yeah ill probly be scared late at night when i boot that game up... ekkkk
ray_MAN said:
KotOR was 48 hours for me. :E
It took me 42 my first time through, but I had to revert back about a day in saves so that saved me a lot of time because I knew what to do, 2nd time threw as evil it took me 36 hours. And then my third time through I did every single thing in the game and I still haven't beat it but I got to manan for my last planet and I just beat the race track thing and I am at about 50 I think.
KotOR....was an rpg.....not really pertaining to the subject of fps leangths(sidenote: 40+ hours, wow you guys are slow :p, i beat the game at about 32-35 hours my first time through)

i personally, in some instances, prefer a short fps; very long winded shooters sort of have the nack of loosing some steam at points while a game like mp2 was a blast from the very minute you start
Sai said:
KotOR....was an rpg.....not really pertaining to the subject of fps leangths

i personally, in some instances, prefer a short fps; very long winded shooters sort of have the nack of loosing some steam at points while a game like mp2 was a blast from the very minute you start
How long was Goldeneye? I think it was pretty long and every single minute of it owned.
Dux said:
I'm sure Doom 3's game length will increase severely as of people being to shit scared to run down a corridor so will just end up walking everywhere very, very slowly with the flashlight on constantly. Fun day's ahead.

hehe :)
well i certainly will be taking my sweet time :E
Foxtrot said:
How long was Goldeneye? I think it was pretty long and every single minute of it owned.

i never really understood why people liked golden eye, it didn't do anything very knew to the genre outside being a console fps that wasn't a quake or doom port, i sorta found it a bit......repetative.....and i know how many fans i'm dissing with that statement but i loved perfect dark if that provides any repent :)
I plan on playing it at least twice the first month I get it (August).
I still want to try that 30-hour version of Half-Life. The only one I've played is the 15-20 hour version (and that's when I intentionally go slow) :(
Soundwave said:
I still want to try that 30-hour version of Half-Life. The only one I've played is the 15-20 hour version (and that's when I intentionally go slow) :(

Ya, first time I played it didn't really take very long. And when I replayed it I think I beat it in around 6-8 hours since I didn't dilly dally around.
I plan to run through Doom 3 with my eyes closed, so I'd say around 180 hours of gameplay.