How many of you actually own/play Counter-Strike: Condition Zero?

Do you have Counter-Strike: CZ?

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Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Just thought it'd be interesting to find out now it's been out a while. Personally I really do like it and seeing as they're making it an ongoing project, as always, I'm starting to think it was money well spent. It worked out I only paid £20 for it which isn't bad at all considering what I'm not getting.

Please vote on the poll!

EDIT: I really should practise what I preach...

Moved to General Gaming :o
umm...wrong section?

*Looks at post again*

lol, great job, Chris_D :D

And no, I don't own CS:CZ. I don't think its worth the money.
Sh'up :p

Hehe, don't you even think it's getting to be even more value for money? In two months we've seen version 1.0 go to 1.1 and this week we're headed for 1.2.
Chris_D said:
Hehe, don't you even think it's getting to be even more value for money? In two months we've seen version 1.0 go to 1.1 and this week we're headed for 1.2.

I buy games for what content it currently has, not what content is promised. If in 6 months all of the additional content comes out as promised, I may pick up the game. I don't trust big game companies (that includes Valve) for some reason. :dozey:

[Edit]: Thats weird, Internet Explorer crashed on me before I submitted my post, but it still was submitted. :O
I borrowed the game off a mate, and here is what i have to say. (i havent voted, because i dont know what catogory i fit into :S )

i played the game, and i must say that i found the single player experience (which is the whole point of the game) complete and uter bullshite. The new patch just added appauling skins and dodgy weapons, and the single player mode was strapped together in 5 minutes. Theres no point to it!! i completed it out of boredom to get a "silver" meadal. WTF!!! i wasted 4 hours of my life playing an infirior version of a free game, and i get a CONGRATULATIONS SCREEN??? no extras? no special features?? the least they could have dont is put a big red button saying "CLICK TO UN-INSTALL"!!!

And the deleted scenes are even worse. first, the game starts off good with a good beginning and a nice breifing. then you emerge from some reckage with an M4, then kill 100 iraquis single handedly. i was on the hardest diffiulty setting, and the bots still hesitate for TWENTY SECONDS before firing at you, then you meet a medi-kit every 5 seconds.

After that mission, you are in a "stealth" mission. you must break a lock. try to shoot it with a silenced pistol, and its "game over, you have been discovered". try to knife it and its "game over, you have been discovered". then you use a blowtorch and no-one hears you. a BLOWTORCH. then you use your optic fibre cable (which cant be used on doors- only "optic fibre zones") to see that the terrorists have hostages. one radio call later, and it becomed a doom- style shoot em up. 30 seconds into the game. plus, there are snipers and "mines" that kill you on sight. from ridiculously easy AI to one hit kill explosives. pathetic.

So the WHOLE POINT of CZ, single player CS, is shite.

But wait- multiplayer is a whole different story. it is updated regularly with new skins and textures, the maps are better and they have given the hostages proper AI. but whats the point? why make people shell out for a purely updated version of a FREE game? why cant all these things be included in CS 1.7??? why do all the steam users who have 1.6 have to play on their thousands of servers with crap graphics and shitty hostages, while the peopel who spent money on a SP version of CS get to play with all the new stuff on their 400 servers??

CZ isnt crap. its not a pile of shite (well, TBH the single player is appauling but lets leave that out for now). CZ is a great game, updated and given new life. it is enhanced, reviveed and ready for action... but it is reserved for the people who want to pay for an update. Why?? thousands upon thousands of people play CS, but only a handful get to play with smart hostages. CZ will be forgotten, and everyone will resume playing CS. end of story. Waste of valve's time.

Basicly, CZ is good, but it is pointless. it offers no new gameplay, only novelties that make you think "this should have been here in the first place". CZ should have been a free update... but its not. so ill guess the majority of us will have to get on with hostages that cant climb ladders.
I bought it, I am pretty happy with it, I use it to practice sometimes and the ongoing support has made it worth the money I think, if you would have asked me right when it came out I would have said no it wasnt but I am glad I purchased it now.
I tried it out a little, it's nothing special and complete shit compared to todays games but they've done ALOT with the old HL engine.
I have it, play it daily. The updated models are what I always wanted, and the Ritual Delete Scenes campaign kept me busy for about 2 days on and off. Also, the new/updated maps are a nice perk.. basically, I bought it just because it was a CS facelift, I didn't buy it for the TRS single player (even though it's pretty fun, even though I found Ritual's DS better)

CZ 1.2's coming next week, new hostage AI, some CZ exclusive skins (as in a fifth skin choice! :)), CZ's starting to really shape up

I'm happy with my purchase, I bought it off eBay for about $18, and it's been worth every penny
Yeah I'm really looking forward to this hostage AI. Hossies will be able to use ladders and stuff. Can you imagine the scenario:

You're CT on Militia and you pick up the hostages. You take them through the sewer and get capped by a terrorist. The terrorist hears an noise behind him and investigates and gets capped by a teammate. This teammate doesn't realise the hostages are up ahead and goes up the ladder to investigate the house.

The hostages, obviously scared, decide to run off to the end of the tunnel, climb up the ladder and then goto the hostage rescue point.

Pretty clever shit. Especially for the HL engine. And from what I've heard this will definitely be possible.
My playing time with CS is almost non-existant these days.
Money for an updated game which I got as a free mod. hmmm
Good support and updates is a bonus IMO but it's not something I'll be more willing to pay for.
I'm not against paying money but it just isn't something really new plus what I said in my my first sentence.
Though I will pay for CS source and CS2 gladly.
CS died a cople of months back, i havnt played it in ages, i used to love it but the new updates and the community have just pissed me off so much. I got fed up of going on a server and muting everyone.
im with you chris, CZ wasent that bad at all,

more value than the $60 aussie bucks for a gran turismo demo


.... but its GT.....oh no.... I WANT IT.... must resist urges
there are better options out there. i might pick it up once it goes budget (if it goes budget).

but to be honest, i reckon it isn't that bad of a game, the only off putting thing is having to go online and play with all those dullards.
Suicide42 said:
I borrowed the game off a mate, and here is what i have to say. (i havent voted, because i dont know what catogory i fit into :S )

i played the game, and i must say that i found the single player experience (which is the whole point of the game) complete and uter bullshite. The new patch just added appauling skins and dodgy weapons, and the single player mode was strapped together in 5 minutes. Theres no point to it!! i completed it out of boredom to get a "silver" meadal. WTF!!! i wasted 4 hours of my life playing an infirior version of a free game, and i get a CONGRATULATIONS SCREEN??? no extras? no special features?? the least they could have dont is put a big red button saying "CLICK TO UN-INSTALL"!!!

And the deleted scenes are even worse. first, the game starts off good with a good beginning and a nice breifing. then you emerge from some reckage with an M4, then kill 100 iraquis single handedly. i was on the hardest diffiulty setting, and the bots still hesitate for TWENTY SECONDS before firing at you, then you meet a medi-kit every 5 seconds.

After that mission, you are in a "stealth" mission. you must break a lock. try to shoot it with a silenced pistol, and its "game over, you have been discovered". try to knife it and its "game over, you have been discovered". then you use a blowtorch and no-one hears you. a BLOWTORCH. then you use your optic fibre cable (which cant be used on doors- only "optic fibre zones") to see that the terrorists have hostages. one radio call later, and it becomed a doom- style shoot em up. 30 seconds into the game. plus, there are snipers and "mines" that kill you on sight. from ridiculously easy AI to one hit kill explosives. pathetic.

So the WHOLE POINT of CZ, single player CS, is shite.

But wait- multiplayer is a whole different story. it is updated regularly with new skins and textures, the maps are better and they have given the hostages proper AI. but whats the point? why make people shell out for a purely updated version of a FREE game? why cant all these things be included in CS 1.7??? why do all the steam users who have 1.6 have to play on their thousands of servers with crap graphics and shitty hostages, while the peopel who spent money on a SP version of CS get to play with all the new stuff on their 400 servers??

CZ isnt crap. its not a pile of shite (well, TBH the single player is appauling but lets leave that out for now). CZ is a great game, updated and given new life. it is enhanced, reviveed and ready for action... but it is reserved for the people who want to pay for an update. Why?? thousands upon thousands of people play CS, but only a handful get to play with smart hostages. CZ will be forgotten, and everyone will resume playing CS. end of story. Waste of valve's time.

Basicly, CZ is good, but it is pointless. it offers no new gameplay, only novelties that make you think "this should have been here in the first place". CZ should have been a free update... but its not. so ill guess the majority of us will have to get on with hostages that cant climb ladders.

This is my problem with CZ. CZ was originally meant to be a single player version of CS - fair enough. If I wanted an offline, single player experience I would buy it.

But now they're only continueing to develop CZ and not CS. In other words - they're charging people to get updates for a free mod. That really gets on my nerves, especially all the talk that Valve says about how the mod community help make them, they want to give stuff back yadda yadda yadda.
Suicide42 said:
CZ isnt crap. its not a pile of shite (well, TBH the single player is appauling but lets leave that out for now). CZ is a great game, updated and given new life. it is enhanced, reviveed and ready for action... but it is reserved for the people who want to pay for an update. Why?? thousands upon thousands of people play CS, but only a handful get to play with smart hostages. CZ will be forgotten, and everyone will resume playing CS. end of story. Waste of valve's time.


The graphics made me puke my guts out, and the gameplay was worse than any other FPS game I care to mention. I could care less for multiplayer, I'm still playing CS and all the servers are still filled so :E
Scapegoat said:
This is my problem with CZ. CZ was originally meant to be a single player version of CS - fair enough. If I wanted an offline, single player experience I would buy it.

But now they're only continueing to develop CZ and not CS. In other words - they're charging people to get updates for a free mod. That really gets on my nerves, especially all the talk that Valve says about how the mod community help make them, they want to give stuff back yadda yadda yadda.
If their original plan is still in existance they'll eventually completely phase out CS. They'll update them both in bits and pieces until eventually they're effectively backwards compatible in terms of multiplayer.
Chris_D said:
If their original plan is still in existance they'll eventually completely phase out CS. They'll update them both in bits and pieces until eventually they're effectively backwards compatible in terms of multiplayer.

either that or they'll just BLOODY WELL GET ON WITH CS:S :flame:

i mean, who cares about CS and CZ when a sequel is around the corner that will surpass both?
Suicide42 said:
either that or they'll just BLOODY WELL GET ON WITH CS:S :flame:

i mean, who cares about CS and CZ when a sequel is around the corner that will surpass both?

true, true

CZ wouldnt sell at all if they had anounced CS:Source beforehand
kidrock450 said:
warez are your friend

God you are an idiot, as I basically proved in that thread about Stalker. Here you're just proving it yourself. Stop stealing games you degenerate f*ck.
CZ MP has been fun :)
the updates have been yummy eye candy.. as for SP.. mehh.. who cares, im enjoying CZ in some way, i think that has to count for something.
Dr. Freeman said:
CZ MP has been fun :)
the updates have been yummy eye candy.. as for SP.. mehh.. who cares, im enjoying CZ in some way, i think that has to count for something.

Agreed! Although, I really enjoyed Ritual's CZ. Too bad it's not the same CZ Ritual had finished and polished, VALVe used an older build :(
Shuzer said:
Agreed! Although, I really enjoyed Ritual's CZ. Too bad it's not the same CZ Ritual had finished and polished, VALVe used an older build :(

i haven't played the Deleted Scenes part yet.. mainly cause MP has been fun.

i did catch a glimpse of it when my brother was playing it.. other than that, i guess i should go play it. :)
kidrock450 said:
warez are your friend

And so is Big Bubba in jail where you'll hopefully go (unlikely, but a man can dream right?)

I don't have CZ, I don't even play CS1.6, so why bother? :P
Chris_D said:
Just thought it'd be interesting to find out now it's been out a while. Personally I really do like it and seeing as they're making it an ongoing project, as always, I'm starting to think it was money well spent. It worked out I only paid £20 for it which isn't bad at all considering what I'm not getting.

Please vote on the poll!

EDIT: I really should practise what I preach...

Moved to General Gaming :o

CZ has good bots, it's fun to play againts them. The "deleted scenes" bit is complete and utter crap, however.
Cybernoid said:
CZ has good bots, it's fun to play againts them. The "deleted scenes" bit is complete and utter crap, however.

CZ's bots are just as crappy as they were in 1.6 beta.. they said they'd been improved, but I haven't seen any signs of improvement.

They're still bots.. they act like bots, nothing like fighting humans
hahaha i said war3z are your friend I never said I did it with CZ...whos the degenerate now star

kidrock450 said:
hahaha i said war3z are your friend I never said I did it with CZ...whos the degenerate now star


I believe you still are.
Can't say ive ever looked twice at the box.....Never even looked at the back..ive got CS, its still packed with thousands...dont need a new CS :p CS isnt a game that i can play for long periods now because of the ammount of kids on it...heh...get this shit what happened to me the other day

me Vs the last CT on assault UPC

*hears him outside the long back side vent*

*pulls nade out and pulls pin and waits*

*clunker-ti-clunk up he comes*

*throws nade*

*totally misses the vent and gets myself*

*pulls colt, ducks...waits..blows his face off*

then a mexican wave of people calling me a h4x3r starts because one guy says "omfg lolz rofl im 10 years old and ALIG H4X to death rofllolz!!!!111oneone" ....All this because i use headphones and i could hear someone coming up ladders...i was on like 20 - 2 which didnt help to calm the children aboard....CS is to immature to play for more than one round now.
Alig said:
Can't say ive ever looked twice at the box.....Never even looked at the back..ive got CS, its still packed with thousands...dont need a new CS :p CS isnt a game that i can play for long periods now because of the ammount of kids on it...heh...get this shit what happened to me the other day

me Vs the last CT on assault UPC

*hears him outside the long back side vent*

*pulls nade out and pulls pin and waits*

*clunker-ti-clunk up he comes*

*throws nade*

*totally misses the vent and gets myself*

*pulls colt, ducks...waits..blows his face off*

then a mexican wave of people calling me a h4x3r starts because one guy says "omfg lolz rofl im 10 years old and ALIG H4X to death rofllolz!!!!111oneone" ....All this because i use headphones and i could hear someone coming up ladders...i was on like 20 - 2 which didnt help to calm the children aboard....CS is to immature to play for more than one round now.

Assault is the map of newbs and cheaters.. I always keep away from that map except when the server is playing it.
who has played CZ since last night's update?!

if u haven't omgomgomgomg!!!! :laugh:

i love the new update..
the hosties are totally hilareous now hahahaha

when a CT enters the same room as them, they wave say "hello" and give away CT locations :laugh:

they also run towards the CT when a CT enters the room hehe

as a T, u can "scare" the hosties.. :devil: :laugh:
point the gun at them or shoot in their direction and its hilareous.. lol

if u throw a FB nade at them they say "i can't see" LOL cracked me up when i saw that

the other updates were nice as well.. new models, the old ones have a new look too.
2 new maps i believe
im liking CZ alot :E
CrazyHarij said:
Assault is the map of newbs and cheaters.. I always keep away from that map except when the server is playing it.
I love Assualt... as a CT.. :)

You can come through the vents if you're good, and no-one will notice :E
ComradeBadger said:
You can come through the vents if you're good, and no-one will notice :E
If you can do that it's not so much you being good, as the other team being completely crap. :P
Dr. Freeman said:
who has played CZ since last night's update?!

if u haven't omgomgomgomg!!!! :laugh:

i love the new update..
the hosties are totally hilareous now hahahaha

when a CT enters the same room as them, they wave say "hello" and give away CT locations :laugh:

they also run towards the CT when a CT enters the room hehe

as a T, u can "scare" the hosties.. :devil: :laugh:
point the gun at them or shoot in their direction and its hilareous.. lol

if u throw a FB nade at them they say "i can't see" LOL cracked me up when i saw that

the other updates were nice as well.. new models, the old ones have a new look too.
2 new maps i believe
im liking CZ alot :E

Don't forget the added fog to the OpenGL renderer.. and, the little location indicator below the radar (kinda cool, but useless to me)

Oh, and the ability to pick up grenades enemies drop, sizable crosshairs.. and.. yay

Varsity said:
If you can do that it's not so much you being good, as the other team being completely crap. :P

Completely agreed. :) If the CTs are winning on assault, the terrorists suck. If I'm T on assault, I never have a problem lasting the round and stopping CTs from getting in (unless, of course, my whole team is crap)
CrazyHarij said:
Assault is the map of newbs and cheaters.. I always keep away from that map except when the server is playing it.

OMg... :O assault owns... and im not a newb :P