How many of you failed you driving test?

Did you fail your driving test 1st time?

  • Woot Woot, I passed first time, ohhh look at meeee!

    Votes: 38 47.5%
  • Took me a few goes to pass

    Votes: 13 16.3%
  • I ain't old enough to drive yet, but I cant wait.

    Votes: 18 22.5%
  • I live in a swap governed by Mr Higgins the the owl

    Votes: 11 13.8%

  • Total voters
Sep 17, 2003
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Well I just failed my first driving test, :angry: went in a left turn only bloody lane at a roundabout, :angry:

This is costing me a bloody fortune, bah, never mind I just put straight back in for it, another 3-4 weeks waiting tho, And iv already got my car waiting out side for me ;(

How many of you lot failed your 1st time, and how many times did it take to pass?

Next time :angel:

Wow your first option is retarded, but I voted it anyway, because I did.
Passed first time, got banned a week later (don't ask)
Failed first time. Everything was going fine until i went through a red light, the examiner pulled the handbrake on me in the middle of an intersection and said "Now what did you do.." with extreme anger and sarcasm.

Passed the second time...almost failed again though because i drove in some freaking bicycle lane that appeared of nowhere for a little too long.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Passed first time, got banned a week later (don't ask)

Should I tell zee story? ;) j/k

I failed my first time, then went back there a week or so later and passed driving portion(previously passed the eye/written test). Whoever thought about giving me a license is ****ing stupid. :E ahah
i passed my first time. my lame brother (bryanf445) however did not.

(sorry, just giving you the business about it b)
I failed by such an enormous magnitude that I haven't even done it yet.
Passed first time. Although I can now drive anywhere I want when I want alone there is still one more test to go through before I am considered fully licsensed. Due to the way they have set up this final test I am likely to fail, apparently almost everyone fails this test at least once because they make it unrealistically difficult.
Yes the final test, the paddling of the swolen ass ...with paddles.
Sulkdodds said:
I failed by such an enormous magnitude that I haven't even done it yet.

I did mine a couple of times before I passed, but I was glad to get it out the way.
Passed first time, only thing I did wrong was being too far from the curb when parallel parking.
passed first time, i'm glad as hell i have a license already.
Man, I've tree years to go untill I get the chance to try:(
I passed it the first time...but just barely.

Took me three times on the written test. That was the day I realized that I would never ever be good at tests
passed first try, i got mad skill when it comes to driving
I passed the first time. I don't know why.

The way they had it set up for me, you do a run through the first time that doesn't count, then another student takes a run, then you do your test. I had signed up for an 8 AM driving test (because I'm stupid) and was really tired, so the first time, I didn't stop at a stop sign, and since I was half-asleep, I was waiting at a red light and then it turned green and I was.... still waiting. The instructor says, "Are we gonna sit here 'til lunch," and I just sat there for a second thinking, "Uhhhh, what? .....OH, there's a light! And it's green! OOPS!"

But the second run through was better, and that's all that counts!!!
Easy as pie. I could've passed it with my eyes closed.

kaf11 said:
i passed my first time. my lame brother (bryanf445) however did not.

(sorry, just giving you the business about it b)

eh no problem, i have my test in about an hour with this one guy, hopefully i pass (and i should)
I passed my first time w/o any practice (I couldn't even park)
I can't imagine how bad you'd have to be to fail XD
Ikerous said:
I passed my first time w/o any practice (I couldn't even park)
I can't imagine how bad you'd have to be to fail XD
Some guys aren't as lenient to pass a person. Here in PA we have 2 people to take our tests with or at least in my area there are 2. One is the easiest man in the world. He takes you out driving for about 10 minutes and pretty much passes you on the spot, even if you suck. Another, forces you to parallel park then they make you drive around for 20 minutes or so.. Not too bad but they are very strict.
Wow, I didn't think anyone who could find the on switch on a computer would be able to fail a driving test. Next time when you're out, just look at people driving. Just about every single one of those people passed it. Seriously just look at some of them. It can't be that hard.

Only hard part for me was certain sections of the written test because I'm color blind.
I failed the first time, not because of an instant fail, but because I accrued to many "technicalities". It was BS.

A full YEAR later I passed it without breaking a sweat.

Clarification: I didn't take the test again during that year....
When I was taking it, I started chatting with the officer about Japan.

But then she was like "Concentrate on driving!"

Luckily, I still passed due to my |337 skill and wicked sick 3 point turns.
I failed the written test the first time (imadumbass), passed it the second and in a few months I get to do my driving test for my N! Propably will fail that once or twice also :P
The written test I took was extremely easy. Nobody even looks at their driving book before doing it. It's such a joke.
I get the impression that the US driving test is alot easier than the UK test, can any 1 confirm this?
Failed first time. I almost went through a red light on a roundabout. They were part time signals as well, and I'd driven through that roundabout 40 times when the lights weren't on. So the time I took my test, they were on.

My mam knew someone who failed loads of times. She even failed after knocking someone over on a Zebra crossing,

Jammydodger said:
I get the impression that the US driving test is alot easier than the UK test, can any 1 confirm this?

I read in a book that it was easier. It was some sciency book and the guy said he'd taken both, so he knew from experience.
Feath said:
I read in a book that it was easier. It was some sciency book and the guy said he'd taken both, so he knew from experience.

Word on the street is that the UK driving test is the strictest in the world and I can kind of believe it.

PS don't take driving tests on a Saturday.