How many times have you won something?


Aug 4, 2003
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Have you ever won something?

I never win anything!! But today, when I woke up my parents threw two packages into my room. I'm a member of Denmark's biggest Cinema's club, which is called "Biozonen". Obviously I had won something...but what?!
First I open the soft package and to my surprise I had won a 20th Century Fox cap and a 20th Century Fox t-shirt. But in the other package there was a poster signed by Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear and to other signatures that I can't make out. I think one of them is Cher but I'm not sure...
The reason why I won was that I had to answer one simple question, as usual, but for some reason they picked me. The question was this:
The world famous siamese-twins got married and got children. They died nearly at the same time, with only 10 minutes of difference. What were their names?

ANSWER: Chang og Eng

Another time I won a South Park Box Set, but it sucked...
What about you guys? Ever won anything big?
i think i won a raffel once... but i won at the end so i got somthing really shitty :( but i never win any thing.. i enterd a blue peter compotition once and said i was youngr then i was and still didnt win... didnt even get a badge basterds!
I used to win loads of stuff when I was was mostly small stuff, but I remember winning a Super Nintendo when I was about 7, and when I was about 4 I won this battery-powered jeep you can drive about in, it was really cool :E and I won another when I was about 8, in a Heinz competition. I haven't entered any competitons for years though.
Well, I've won prizes for shit, but that's not what you're looking for, is it? I won a writing competition when I was ten.
Majestic XII said:
I won the race to my mother´s egg...

closest looking thing to a sperm i could find
:imu: .........................
I won a drawing competition for 14 year olds when i was 11. Didn't actually win a prize, but it felt good.

My mate usually plays the bandit when I'm around too because it always seems to drop £25 with me next to it.
Several years ago I won a Nintendo Power sweepstakes. I won a new N64, 4 controllers, 4 memory cards and rumbles packs, and 10 games.

Funny thing was my friend was flipping through one of their magazines, he filled out the card with my info and I won. Besides that, I've never won anything big.
qckbeam said:
I lost ;(

So....would that make you just a big giant typing sperm? Im confused about the technicalitites of all this.

I dont really enter into least when they are based on luck. Although today i found a scratchcard in a magazine, and won 100 pounds but for some reason i left it there. I went to talk to my friend who was also in the library t collage and just forgot that i had won it. Kinda annoying really, because it was one of those scratch cards which doesn't say "You have deffinately won a gold price, phone this number and enter your special personal ID number to claim your price" It just said, "Uncover 3 matching number values, and send it off. If its bellow £75 then claim from the shop."
I found a £10 note in a packet of Quavers once. It's the only time I've ever won anything like that :(