How many ways have you blocked the doors?


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score

I had a better shot but i guess i didnt take it, you couldnt see the stairs at all, we just kept grabbing shelves and exlosive barrels and set em down there
i closed and locked all the doors once, it was hilarious but i kept pressing f6 instead of f5 for the screen
used a car once, somebody pushed it inside the building so i put it up against the door. did the trick for a while.
two cars and about half the crap in the map (tables are especially good)
I was running away from this guy in dm_overwatch, low health, and I came to the stairs. So I took a table, put it to block the doorway a bit and then placed a explosive barrel under the table. Then I took some distance and waited. For sure, he came from the door and tried to jump over the table, three shots at the barrel and boom. Frag. It was funny.
Cukel said:
I was running away from this guy in dm_overwatch, low health, and I came to the stairs. So I took a table, put it to block the doorway a bit and then placed a explosive barrel under the table. Then I took some distance and waited. For sure, he came from the door and tried to jump over the table, three shots at the barrel and boom. Frag. It was funny.

Good thinking. Nice ;)