how much are used College books worth?

Candy art

Feb 27, 2007
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I have some books I wanna sell to my student shop tomorow,one of them is a biology book that I bought at the same store for $100 ,some I bought for $50

how much should I be getting,what do you think?
I have some books I wanna sell to my student shop tomorow,one of them is a biology book that I bought at the same store for $100 ,some I bought for $50

how much should I be getting,what do you think?

A lot less than you paid for them. Look on for an idea of what you can get for them. usually you can type in the ISBN number to find some results.
If you can sell directly to students instead of to the shop (which will probably rip off both you and the next students anyways), you might be able to get more and at the same time save money for the person who buys from you. Or at least that's how it ends up at my university. So check out what that shop is selling for, then beat that price by a certain margin. Everyone wins except greedy stores that overcharge students for books. Yay!
At my last school there was a buy-back period at the end of each semester. If you sold your books then you could get a halfway decent price. However if your books are old (ie, you didnt just get them this semester) then you can expect less than 50% what you paid for them back... if they take them at all. I would suggest selling on ebay or directly to students.
I,ll take with me to school and see how much they are worth first.
A lot less than you paid for them. Look on for an idea of what you can get for them. usually you can type in the ISBN number to find some results.

That's where my roomate gets/sells her books...she likes it rather well.
amazing that colleges actually charge 100 bucks for a book and then give back less than 50% to the person that plunked down hard earned (or given) money for them. Imagine if a car dealership did this with brand new BMWs!!
amazing that colleges actually charge 100 bucks for a book and then give back less than 50% to the person that plunked down hard earned (or given) money for them. Imagine if a car dealership did this with brand new BMWs!!

They virtually do. :(
My school has this "student-to-student" selling program, so you can sell the books for your courses you finished that your to the youngsters who are about to take them. It's also around 50% (fixed prices).
Probably $10 or $20 at the most. Depends on the condition of them and how recent they were published. And demand for them, if there's a high demand you might be able to capitalise on that.
At least you can make cool flip-books out of the rest of them.
I've never seen a college book that was used in my life...