How much of an increase will i get?




In my comp i currently have
ATI X800 Pro
1024 MB PC-3200 Ram
AMD Athlon XP 3200+ (2.2 ghz)

im thinking of upgrading too
ASUS K8N-E mobo
AMD Athlon 64 3400+ (2.2 ghz)
and adding another stick of 512 mb RAM

right now on the CS:Source stress test i get 75 FPS on 1280x1024 every setting maxed and 6x AA and 16x AF, if i upgraded to the new components abpve would i see a significant increase in performance?
I recommend you to go with S939 and get 3200+ and overclock it to 2.5 ghz with the stock cooler.
1024MB Of RAM is fine!!!

If it runs in 2.5-3-3-6 then its awesome! Adding another stick might slow it down in timings and cause an ill-effect!

Generally its best to stick with 1GB of RAM ;)
Nex321 said:
I recommend you to go with S939 and get 3200+ and overclock it to 2.5 ghz with the stock cooler.
problem is im a wee bit noobish at comps and besides my vid card i have no clue on how to OC stuff (and i can only OC that due to ATI Tool or ATI Overdrive lol) but for the processor how would a S939 64 3500+ be?
A 3500+ would be a great choice. S939 would be a little more optimal choice but S754 would work (A64 3400+). Just match the board and CPU sockets.

Don't add 512MB. It would be bumped down to PC2700 speeds. Also with S939, it can run in dual channel memory with both of your current memory sticks. Adding another stick would make it run in single channel memory.
Asus said:
A 3500+ would be a great choice. S939 would be a little more optimal choice but S754 would work (A64 3400+). Just match the board and CPU sockets.

Don't add 512MB. It would be bumped down to PC2700 speeds. Also with S939, it can run in dual channel memory with both of your current memory sticks. Adding another stick would make it run in single channel memory.
alliright... ill hold on the ram till i got enough for money for two more sticks of 512 for 2 gigs... i think ill go with the 3500+ does the lower cache speed have any noticeable effects on performance and how is this gfor a mobo
Drakus said:
1024MB Of RAM is fine!!!

If it runs in 2.5-3-3-6 then its awesome! Adding another stick might slow it down in timings and cause an ill-effect!

Generally its best to stick with 1GB of RAM

how about 2 gigs of ram :rolleyes:
l337x3r1cx said:
alliright... ill hold on the ram till i got enough for money for two more sticks of 512 for 2 gigs...
If you want more than 1GB of memory you will want to replace the 512MB sticks with 1GB sticks otherwise performance would be like this. Remember, lower is better on a number of those benchmarks and I can explain it a little better if you need to.
l337x3r1cx said:
i think ill go with the 3500+ does the lower cache speed have any noticeable effects on performance and how is this gfor a mobo
The L2 cache doesn't change performance too much. Dual channel memory can help a bit though. That board will work fine.
If you want an Nvidia chipset instead of VIA then I would check out MSI or EPoX boards.
This is creepy, my friend has the EXACT same pc. Anyway, I'd say a 10-20 fps performance increase
I honestly think that even 1GB of ram is overkill. I don't think, for gaming at least, that you will ever need more than that. Stick with the RAM you've got, like the other guy said.
Dumb Dude said:
I honestly think that even 1GB of ram is overkill. I don't think, for gaming at least, that you will ever need more than that. Stick with the RAM you've got, like the other guy said.
You should try 1GB if you multitask as it can improve your PC experience quite a bit. ;)
Dumb Dude said:
I don't think, for gaming at least, that you will ever need more than that.
Never say never. I remember hearing that about our 4 MB Rage Pro Turbo graphics card a several years ago, and our 4 GB hard drive. I remember being stunned when I saw that Half-Life took up a whole quarter-gig by itself.
DSDchemE said:
Never say never. I remember hearing that about our 4 MB Rage Pro Turbo graphics card a several years ago, and our 4 GB hard drive. I remember being stunned when I saw that Half-Life took up a whole quarter-gig by itself.
/me checks Valve folder now
10GBs! ouch. And we though HL was big.
Asus said:
You should try 1GB if you multitask as it can improve your PC experience quite a bit. ;)
seriously... on my old PC (shudders) i could barely run AIM and an internet browser at the same time lol (Geforce 4 mx 420, 256mb PC800, P4 2.0ghz) it was dell lol... but now ive got a custom made comp and its nice... i think im gonna go with the AMD 3500+, MSI Mobo and stick with what RAM i have... i would update my GFX to a X800 XT (i suck at comps and i want those 4 more pipes), but with new cards always on the way i think the 64 bit processor will give me the performance boost i want until ATI releases a card with the R520 chip
DSDchemE said:
Never say never. I remember hearing that about our 4 MB Rage Pro Turbo graphics card a several years ago, and our 4 GB hard drive. I remember being stunned when I saw that Half-Life took up a whole quarter-gig by itself.

Yeah, but you only want to have enough RAM so your system isn't bottlenecked. Having 2 GB of RAM right now is useless (not to mention it is a waste of money).

In windows, I can use 512 MB's of RAM, during gaming I only use 920 MB. Since all of the next generation games are now out, I don't think we will break the 1 GB barrier for some time. For me to have 2 GB's of RAM is pointless and it will slow my computer down.

Next year around this time I will probably start suggesting 2 GB of RAM, but not before then.
Dumb Dude said:
I honestly think that even 1GB of ram is overkill. I don't think, for gaming at least, that you will ever need more than that. Stick with the RAM you've got, like the other guy said.

when gaming 1 gig ram is
not overkill. as stated by another poster its best to stick with 1 gig , not 1 gig and 512.
Going from 512 to 1 gig produces smoother graphics and helps performance by sorta freeing up the stress on the processor.
also going from 512 to 1 gig will porduce faster load times etc.
all right im ordering the new mobo and CPU and an X800 XT

but i wanna be sure... which mobo do you recommend an ASUS or MSI... im getting an AMD 64 3500+ so i wanna be sure ig et the best mobo