How much power?



Hello everyone,

How much power do you have over the coding in Half-Life2? Can you create a mod that is not an FPS?

I am curius because I want to recomend Half-Life2 to a local school here that teaches game design.

They have a group of 6 programmers there that would really apreciate your insite.

Thank you
I beleve you can, and there is a mod planed that is a RTS for HL2 comming out, but I forget the name :/
There are several RTS mods coming out for HL2 actually :)

Yes, Half-Life 2 can be used for almost any 3D application. It's best use is for FPS games, but you are only limited by your creativity (and programming skill). I managed to make an RTS minigame for the original Half-Life game, it was quite enjoyable.

-Angry Lawyer