How much should I sell this for?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I got this thing here, and I don't ride it, it's perfectly fine, and has all original parts, blah, blah, blah. Only problem is that there is a *slight* wobble in the handle bars (I tightened it too much when I bought it), it's noticeable when your not riding the bike, but when your riding, your can't notice it at all (cause all the weight of you is making it so the bars not be able to wobble, but even when your actually wobbling it, it doesn't wobble a whole lot, seriously). I was going to sell it in my local Smart Shopper mag for $200 CDN, is that good? More? Less? I don't sell alot of stuff, but I just want some money for Bioshock (360), and maybe a few other games. :D

It's a Diamondback Ignitor FX, btw.. I also have a Haro Revo all original, same deal, except no handle bar wobble, it's perfect. I never ride any of them alot, so that's why they are in good condition.

By the way, the picture was taken in winter, it's now the middle-end of summer...


P.S. I realize it has the shitty reflectors still on it, as I said - I didn't ride it alot.
Those 'shitty reflectors' will save your life one day :O
Atleast I won't leave a lame corpse.

Anyway, 200 Canadia $'s for a new is it?

How much when you got it?
Step 1:Kill yourself for asking an internet forum based around HL2
Step 2:???
Step 3: PROFIT!
Well, for this bike, I got it used off of a friend - $100. He bought it in '02 I think (maybe '03-'04) brand new for $350.

My Haro - I got off of a cousin who was moving, and had no room for it, he bought it new for $500 and I got it for $100, but that bike still needs new brake pads and 2 tubes for each tire, not alot of money, but I haven't got around to that yet...

For my Haro I should be able to get atleast $300 from a pawn shop (my friend had the exact same bike, but black (mines red), and he'd pawn it at a pawn shop for $300, and pay them back later for it).

But I'm not sure about this bike...
Well if you paid $100 for it and can sell it for $200, then I'd say that yes, that is a good deal.
I never said I could sell it for $200, I'm asking if that's a fair price, I'm putting for sale in a magazine that strangers (people I don't know) will look at.
I'd pay maybe 20 bucks for it, because it's just like clothing. Does the same as the other ones, just paying for the name.
I'd pay maybe 20 bucks for it, because it's just like clothing. Does the same as the other ones, just paying for the name.

Oh my friend, you have not ridden a BMX bike then. It is a machine meant to perform. Quality is a factor in performance machines if you are to use them for their purpose. If you just want a bike to ride to work and not do any insane killA trickZ! on then you shouldn't get a BMX in the first place. For that get one of these.
