How Much Will You Play HL2?


Dec 1, 2003
Reaction score
How long will you play Half-Life 2 until you get tired of it? I'm thinking of beating the game 3 times over in different level difficulties. Then there'll be multiplayer and tons of mods to look forward to. We're looking at about 1 year of enjoyable gameplay here. Of course all of us will probably play it for years. :cool:
Beat it, mess around with MP, and then wade through the cess pool of craptastic mods for the really good few that will be released.
prolly play it the same amount ive been playin hl/cs, untill new wave of game tech comes out :p
my usual gaming pattern is spend a week on single player, then spend about 6 months on multi, then come back to it every now and again. of course with all the new modability added in i can look forward to some extended play.
Originally posted by genocide604
prolly play it the same amount ive been playin hl/cs, untill new wave of game tech comes out :p

You know what's sad? There hasn't been an fps that has enthralled me, even in the slightest way, as the original HL did. I haven't played a game more than HL. Sure, most of those countless hours were whittled away from its subsequent mods, but those mods wouldn't have been without the game itself. This is testament to the staying power that Valve instills in their work. And I am sure that Half-Life 2 will do for me exactly what the original did five years ago.
Originally posted by Black-Falcon
Too much. I forsee my grades dropping in school.

Yeah, for me too. Half-Life 2's release couldn't be worse for my schooling! My fall quarter starts Sep 22. Oh well, at least I'll have one good week before things start to descend into academic hell.
Originally posted by spitcodfry
Yeah, for me too. Half-Life 2's release couldn't be worse for my schooling! My fall quarter starts Sep 22. Oh well, at least I'll have one good week before things start to descend into academic hell.
Then don't buy it then.
-or- Skip school
-or- Go home for lunch and play for 5 minutes(or more)
-OR- Change your identity and live in Mongolia
My girlfriend will most likely dump me because of HL2. Someone better make a porn mod for HL2 :D
Originally posted by Kamakiri
My girlfriend will most likely dump me because of HL2. Someone better make a porn mod for HL2 :D
Here's an idea: Don't play Half-Life 2/Make pr0n mod.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Then don't buy it then.
-or- Skip school
-or- Go home for lunch and play for 5 minutes(or more)
-OR- Change your identity and live in Mongolia

I'll take door number three.
I'm gonna play this too much, my grades will drop and I will get a big beard.. oh wait, I already got a beard :afro:
Well I think this game has the potential to be played for years..
Make the mods and they will come.............
Play it until quake4 release...........

Changed my mind, until HL3 :cheese:
yeah in five years we will be here arguing over quake4 vs hl3
I will probaly play it until Doom 3 comes out...Then I will start playing Doom 3, but I will diffenetly come back to HL2 and play it over and over again. :p :bounce:
Depends on how good the SP and MP are, really. Kinda hard to answer this question before the game's out.
Like abom says, depends how good it is ...

I'll play through the SP at least once though :)
Originally posted by Abom|nation
Depends on how good the SP and MP are, really. Kinda hard to answer this question before the game's out.

If its anything like the original, with its awsome SP game and huge mod community, HL2 should be around for a good 4 years.
Why do you start each word with capital letter?
"How Much Will You Play HL2?".

Seriously, is it somekind of TV-SHOP stuff like:
"And Besides Of This...!!, You Get Additional EXTRA Set Of AMAZING Fish Hooks As Seen In National TV!!!!!!!!"?
hm ... playing HL (cs) for 3 years now. But I wonder if CS2 (or any other mods) will be as good as cs...
I'll almost definatly be playing it solidly for a good month, and on and off probably until HL3 (like i did with HL1). In that time i'll probably try my hand at making a mod as well.
Like many other things, this will be a question of discipline for me. I will try to limit my playing to one hour on weekdays and two hours on weekend days. As for the bigger picture, if this game turns out to become what it has the potential to, I will probably play this game and its expansions for more than, say, 3 years.
I'm going to play HL2 for three days straight (or until I finnish it) with as little sleep as possible, as soon as I buy it. After that, the quality of the game will decide how much I play it. Most likely, though, I'll love every second of it and be playing it, and mods, for years to come.
We'll all be playing it for years to come and anyone that says otherwise is bullshitting you.
Originally posted by kelisis
I will probaly play it until Doom 3 comes out...Then I will start playing Doom 3, but I will diffenetly come back to HL2 and play it over and over again. :p :bounce:

I agree with this.
Originally posted by Deadline
If its anything like the original, with its awsome SP game and huge mod community, HL2 should be around for a good 4 years.

If it's anything like the original, 2 hours top! I still haven't compelted HL1 :/
How much will I play HL2?

No no no, I think the question here should really be When does HL3 come out ;)