How often do you get infractions?

I know someone too big for their boots, who doesn't get enough...
Not a one. Ever.

I have a natural born immunity.

Quite surprising really since Stern always calls me a troll. :E
I got one infraction, I don't remember why though D:
But anyway, you shouldn't cry because you deserved it, you posted a dick... in the image dump... D:
I received an infraction for bypassing the 10char filter.

I got one infraction, I don't remember why though D:
But anyway, you shouldn't cry because you deserved it, you posted a dick... in the image dump... D:

A dick with the magical ability to grow tiny brown broccoli on it. At least, that's what I keep telling myself.
I thought it was cauliflower.

Mmm, either way I'm getting hungry.
Not for a while.
Last one was April Fools.
Before that, January.
I got one for telling someone to slit their wrists and another for spam in my own thread.
Not nearly as often as I would have thought I would. I got two last month, two from four months ago, and then like five in early '07 which got me bant. But those are the only ones I ever got, even with all my stupid posts haha.
Twice, maybe three times. Not sure when.
*is tired after long day*
Once for making a poll asking if there were too many polls

and once for assault

edit - I'm pretty sure I deserved a few dozen infractions, so I guess that means I know how to walk the thin line
Not often. i think i have had 2. Only when im drunk like now. I have been warned a few times thou.
I've had a few, I got myself banned :D then I got myself banned even longer for well....being banned :| but I haven't gotten any infractions as of late. I'm a good boy.
He who caused Chernobyl can't be good. Basterd.
One time I said "My cat's bearth smells like cat food" in some random thread and got a spam infraction.
Rarely. Apparently the mods have some sense of humor, the only time I've ever been infractioned is for extreme spam etc, and a ban for the fake pregnancy thread. lol
I didn't even know they had them until I got one. It said it was for spam?
Hmm, closest I can remember is years ago. Probably back in 03/04 days. I asked Chris_D if I could become a staff member via PM. Needless to say it was a stupid move. But I won't say I don't miss those days :(. Sitting on the edge of my seat every day waiting for the next Bink video. Most of the regular faces from those days don't even log in at all anymore, or have totally moved on.
I've only had one, oddly enough.

I guess I don't spam stupid shit enough.
come to think of it, I did get banned for trolling soon after I joined. When I came back on I asked on the now defunct 'newbie section', "what does trolling mean?"
