How old are you? And how old do you feel?


Jul 26, 2005
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I'm 20, but I feel like I'm 16 still.

If you notice too, most of the time you ask a girl this question, she'll almost always say she feels older than she is.
I am eternity, the bone, the steel, and rock.
The first reply has already derailed the thread......
Guess that's what I get for posting a thread at 2 AM
i.e. Numbers is insane.

I am 19, and I feel 16.
It's only one AM here.

Anyway,I am 14, and I feel older, especially when I outsmart people older than me.. D:!
18. When I'm alone or with friends, 20-ish. When I'm with anyone else, 12.
I am 35,felt like 45 after 12 pints of killkenny last saturday night.

But i would do it again if i felt like it. :)
18, feel 16ish, act about 12 around friends just for shits and giggles :E
I'm 34 and I feel 25. Except everyone else thinks I look older since I got a shortage in the hair department...
22, feel like i did when i was 19... fit, strong and athletic

/tenses muscles enthusiastically :P
I had a fractuated left shoulder 10 years ago never fixed 1 bang my left shoulder now is screwed.But these days i am stronger in the left shoulder than right one.I don't know why.Cause i am right handed.It's kind of weird cause i use to play pool left handed about 15 years ago.But i do feel older cause of that.
Im 20, turning 21 at the end of September, but i feel like im still 18. Nothing seems to have changed.
17, I feel older. But the fact I faked an organ failure at a teacher today out of boredom suggests otherwise.
I fell on the ground, shook around a little, and curled into a ball (Rather disruptively, mind you) and declared I was "Kidney Failure Boy - With the power of failed kidneys."

I'm apparently a good actor.
15, turning 16 I guess, and I feel... 15, going on 16.
I fell on the ground, shook around a little, and curled into a ball (Rather disruptively, mind you) and declared I was "Kidney Failure Boy - With the power of failed kidneys."

I'm apparently a good actor.

lol. That's a pretty shitty superpower, tbh :)

Edit: or is it pee-y?
You're just like the audience! You're just jealous that I can't filter urine as well as you can!
17, and about 33. How I came to that I haven't the foggiest, but there we go.
19. And how I feel depends on the people around you, with people my age I generally feel older but around people who are more dominant or who know more about the thing you're talking about I feel like a little kid.
17, feel like 12-18 - depends on everything.
and bbq john, lolz at the sig. mm..bbq...
I'm 16 but I've felt the same age pretty much all my life, which is some young age, I suppose. Only difference is that I got taller and now able to reach shit in the top cabinet.
I'm 16 (almost 17) but I still feel like I'm 15, which is annoying since I'm the eldest in my group of mates.
im 19, i feel 27 at home. 16 when im with freinds, and 19 when im around women.
Meh, I'm 16, I feel in ways both younger and older than my age would suggest. Yay!
I'm not sure how old I am. I feel the same as I did when I was fifteen, but when I was fifteen I felt like I was a lot older. I'm don't know how much older, becasue I haven't been that old yet.
I'm 20, and... I guess I feel 20. Certainly younger when I'm with friends.