how old i sthe gman

ho old is the gman?

  • 30-40

    Votes: 11 10.9%
  • 40-50

    Votes: 40 39.6%
  • 50-60

    Votes: 21 20.8%
  • is satan

    Votes: 29 28.7%

  • Total voters
50?!? that is a little young for how old and wrinkled his face is. i would say closer to 75.
blatantly late forties, maybe early fifties, he's just frowned a lot.
forty, just looks older than he is due to all those bullets I shot at him in Half-life
Acording to a few theorys the G-Man is a Combine Prototype, so the real question is.. Does he age at all? o_O

Otherwise he's the devil.
i voted 30-40, some people grey quicker than others and he just seems that old to me, i cant imagin the all mighty G-men to be needing a zimmer frame anytime soon.
Probably around 50 or so. His face in HL2 is more creased and a bit saggier than in HL1, though that may just be because HL2's models are many times more detailed. But to me, he just doesn't look forty or sixty.
He's a Robot. An 8 year old Robot.
He is an age that cannot be measured, he's like nothing but something.
1) He was born October 3rd, 1948.
2) He is a figment produced by a computer to guide Gordon. Therefore his aged appearance leads Gordon to look upon him as a father figure, which in consequence demands isntant unconditional respect from Gordon and players alike.
40-50. look at him in half-life 2 and tell me that he looks 60.
I still think the GMan is Gordon from the future
so about 50 - 60 im thinkin
mxmadman said:
1) He was born October 3rd, 1948.
2) He is a figment produced by a computer to guide Gordon. Therefore his aged appearance leads Gordon to look upon him as a father figure, which in consequence demands isntant unconditional respect from Gordon and players alike.

roswell? the only way i know that is beacuse its al gores birthday.
The G-man was a door gunner for a UH-1 Huey back in 'Nam, 67-72. He was hit with fourteen AK shells in the chest, and two others which clapped him in the head. That is why he is a retard.

Because of that, he's in his mid 60's.
The g-man is 62 years old 9months and 22 days. He was born in West Virginia and gets pain in his right leg in Winter.
Old enough to be your father. Does that scare you enough now?
I'd love the G-Man to be my father


I love you G-Man
SupraRZ95 said:
Maybe he's an alien that ages more slowly than humans?
Except he's not an alien. Gabe said so.
I thik the G-Man is gordan and screwed up the whole Black Mesa Incident and went back in time to help the present time Gordan out
Incorrect. The G-man is a 17 million year old digitised representation of Primaphorior, a hyper intelligent supercomputer possessing a nanotechnologically perfected core with the adaptive capabilities of a human mind but the raw processing power of a machine.

Alternatively, he might be a rabbit in a big mechanical suit.
he is a robot! :)

or an alien form the rival planet of xen or something...
dr_gonzo said:
his face looks like david bowe...

Crist he must feel sorry for himself :D

I bet he is satan.