How Small Can You Get Your Screen?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I am really bored so I started messing around with my screen properties


Honestly, Does anyone need a screen that small? I can hardly see anything, who is acually going to set there screen size to that... if you zoom in really close on my screen you can see the icon names and the property settings in the property window :p

Post your Smallest, or cool looking (cool desktop theme, wallpaper, ect.) screens.
If you had an Imax screen, you'd probably use a screen res like that. :)
Oh, ya, Everyone I know has an Imax screen :\
Not to be nerdy, but that's not small. That's very large. :p Small would be a low resolution.
Erm, I can set my resolution all the way to 2048x1546, but my monitor doesn't exactly support it. So, what I get is a HUGE 1280x1024, but I have to scroll to the left and right, up and down to see the rest of the screen. Kinda weird.
Interesting... Scroll how? Are there like, scroll bars?
I ussually run 1600x1200 on my 17" CRT...

I like fitting lots on my desktop.
vegeta897 said:
Interesting... Scroll how? Are there like, scroll bars?

You move your mouse to the side and to scolls in that direction...
I'll post a screenie, hold on.

EDIT: It seems I can't do it with Omega Drivers (I use those, since my PC seems to have problems with the offical drivers).
I can run at 4096x something, I'll have to check.

But I currently run at 1600x1280
If you can get your screen to a resolution of 7680×4800...then I would be really jealous of you.
mines like 1600x1200 or something silly like that
I run my desktop at 1280x1024 but run my games at 1024x7--.
The topic name was cut short on the forum index page and I thought it was gonna say "How small can you get your penis".

Any way, 800x600 here. I'm currently at 1280x800.
vegeta897 said:
Interesting... Scroll how? Are there like, scroll bars?

I think he means the icons / taskbar is small.
I'm at 1600 x 1200 currently. My gfx/monitor won't allow over 1792 x 1344.
vegeta897 said:
Interesting... Scroll how? Are there like, scroll bars?

Nah, you just move the mouse towards the bottom of the screen or the sides to scroll across. I have to do this if for some reason I wanted to set my resolution above 1600x1200, any higher and not all the pixels can fit on screen at once.
I run mine at 1024x768 usually, and the highest it'll go to is 2048x1546, I run my games at 1280x1024 my monitor is a "LG Flatron F900B"
Heh, I'm the other way round, I run normally at 1280x1024 and run my games at 1024x768.
who would wnat that ? artists they have to print at ridiculously high resolution for photorealistic texutring and print .
i run my desktop at 1600x1200.makes it a bit harder to paint at 1024 but its worth it in the long run.
RipperRoo said:
Heh, I'm the other way round, I run normally at 1280x1024 and run my games at 1024x768.

I'm the same as you.
1280x1024 resolution on all games and desktop.

Highest: 1792x1344