How the mighty of fallen...

I have heard of people buying MP3 players that use a 4gb flash memory card, and taking it apart to use in camera's etc. That would be cool to have though, makes my 256mb one look small!
I have two 512mb flash cards and I can fit 3 good quality divx movies on each to watch them on my Pocket PC. Its amazing how cheap they are getting and how much information you can fit on something the size of a postage stamp. I think soon they will be getting rid of cd's and dvd's and just have flash cards for everything.
sorry i don't understand what you are implying topic poster, lol. is it that its a really good price?
poseyjmac said:
sorry i don't understand what you are implying topic poster, lol. is it that its a really good price?
Using context clues, I would have thought you could have figured that out...
Link's broke.

I'm not trying to be picky, but this is really starting to get under my skin. Please, guys, stop it. The word "of" does not mean the same as the word "have". "I could have." not "I could of." "The mighty have fallen." not "The mighty of fallen."

EDIT: This is not an attack on you personally, WhiteZero. It's just a little pet peeve of mine that I couldn't keep to myself any longer. Sorry!
wait a that a 2Gb flash drive for $80?? y is it so cheap?
I completely agree, He_Who_Is_Steve. I'm the son of an editor/writer, so my grammatical and literary OCD is hereditary. Still... using "of" instead of "have" just makes you sound imbecilic.
WhiteZero said:
Using context clues, I would have thought you could have figured that out...

ok ive figured it out. you aren't right in the head.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Link's broke.

I'm not trying to be picky, but this is really starting to get under my skin. Please, guys, stop it. The word "of" does not mean the same as the word "have". "I could have." not "I could of." "The mighty have fallen." not "The mighty of fallen."

EDIT: This is not an attack on you personally, WhiteZero. It's just a little pet peeve of mine that I couldn't keep to myself any longer. Sorry!

Your avatar screams "grammar police!"

(I did not end that sentence with a period, neh! So what are you gonna do huh? Send the flying monkeys on fire after me?)
This is really getting under my foreskin. He_Who_Is_Steve, saying "Link's broke." is not the proper way to start a sentence. The correct way would be "The link is broken." Saying "Link's broke." sounds like white trash talk. Oh wait... No, I won't go there.

Oh, and stop being so anal. No one likes grammar police. Shit happens, typos happen. I make them sometimes at night in a dark room. How about being constructive and staying on topic? Or getting some vagisil for those itches. These grammar police need to get off their high horses and take that holier-than-thou attitude elsewhere. Sorry to be so "nitpicky"! I wouldn't want to be an "imbecile"! No offense! I'm off to go jack off to my doctorate in English.

Back on topic. Those things are a ripoff. $40 a gig? Seems cheaper to save up for a decent USB hard drive.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Link's broke.

I'm not trying to be picky, but this is really starting to get under my skin. Please, guys, stop it. The word "of" does not mean the same as the word "have". "I could have." not "I could of." "The mighty have fallen." not "The mighty of fallen."

EDIT: This is not an attack on you personally, WhiteZero. It's just a little pet peeve of mine that I couldn't keep to myself any longer. Sorry!
Good point; I totaly uncounciously put "of" instead of "have".

And the link isnt broken. Your probably copy-and-pasting the link right? Well the forums shorten the url, so if you just click on it, it'll work fine.