How to add comic artistic touch to Corel PSP photos


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I've got some photos that I would like to put a 'comic strip' edge to. Now I'm after the artistic style used in the Max Payne comic strips shown in between the missions.

I've just wondering what this style is actually called, and whether or not I can achieve this effect in CorelPSP X
I've got some photos that I would like to put a 'comic strip' edge to. Now I'm after the artistic style used in the Max Payne comic strips shown in between the missions.

I've just wondering what this style is actually called, and whether or not I can achieve this effect in CorelPSP X

you mean comic panels? ...lwhich is essentially a box ...just draw a box around the photo. what the hell is corelpsp ..I'm surprised corel makes anything these days the art programs were pretty crappy
Paint Shop Pro

And I'm refering to the actual art of the pictures, like Ink, Crosshatching etc
oh you mean like a filter ..oh god dont do that they always look like filters


wiki said:
PSP functionality can be extended by Photoshop-compatible plugins. They are listed in the 'Effects' menu, below the built-in effects.

you can use photoshop plugins, here's a collection of plugins

the inkpot might be what you're looking for, not absolutely sure what it is you want
I used to think the Max Payne comic strips were actually drawn. I was slightly disappointed when I learned they're actually post-processed photos.
All you'll need to do is change the contrast and threshold to get that black and white thing.