How to bake oatmeal cookies!

Just like Grandma used to make!

With maths!

Coating weight, percent = Coated product weight – Uncoated product weight x100
lol. the government is too funny.
3.3.2 Brownie preparation. (NOTE: The contractor is not required to follow the exact procedure
shown below provided that the brownies conform to all finished product requirements in 3.4.)
3.3.4 Brownie moisture content. The moisture content of the uncoated brownie shall be not more
than 8.0 percent.
3.3.5 Brownie coating. The brownies shall be completely enrobed with a continuous uniform
chocolate coating (see 3.2.14) in an amount which shall be not less than 29 percent by weight of the
finished product.
And if its not, expect a court martial! Improperly preparing brownies is an act of treason!
/me makes cookies.
The last time i made anything was a cereal bar which was basically a tray of mush. But it doesn't matter thats what women are for ;)