How to change the allowd RAM usage?

Jan 27, 2006
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How do I change the amount of RAM I let HL2 and stuffs use? Cause I'm guessing that'll make it run slightly faster. Unless the default amount on 2GB of ram is good?

Its automaticly allocated. Dont think it is even possible to change phsical ram allocation... check your virtual ram, that may help if it is correctly allocated.
The default is 64mb. You can make it higher by adding "-heapsize 1024000" to your launch options. The number is the ammount of kilobytes. 1024000 = 1gb 512000 = 512mb.
i only have 512 and it loads pretty quickly, with 1gig you shouldnt have any problem at all loading in less then 30-15 sec ( not even, with in seconds, probably almost instantly )depending on the map size
So I shouldn't bother setting more cause I have enough?

As stated by The Brick, "-heapsize 1024000" to your launch options. The number is the ammount of kilobytes. 1024000 = 1gb 512000 = 512mb

So set yours to heapsize 512000, that should be far more than enough to run HL2 with.
Make sure you do not set it too high up, as you will need some spare for your PF (pagefile) for windows to operate correctly.
Put it to half of your total system ram. If you have 2gb, use 1024000. If you have 1gb, use 512000.
How about Episode: One? Will 1024000 be enough?
Futhermore, if there is any problem, how can I disable the "-heapsize 1024000"?
Just remove the line from the launch options. 512000 or more is plenty.
Yes, better performance, smaller loading times and less stuttering.
If you have the RAM to take it that is... I wonder what happens if you set it to above the amount of RAM you have?