How to Choose the Right Graphics Card


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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Gizmodo published a very interesting article about buying a new graphics card. It isn't a list with cards you should or shouldn't get, but a guide to what information is important, where to find that info, and what information you should ignore. It is a very good piece and I bookmarked it for future use. You can find the article here.
Easy. What's your budget? Get one that fits said budget. SUCCESS!

Well, that's probably flawed in a lot of ways, but that's how I work :p
I calculate the price/performance ratio. I usually just check Tom's Hardware and see what the best card for my budget. After I have a model in mind, I start comparing the manufactures. Which has a better price, reputation, and warranty, etc. If the card has a third-party cooler (which most do after they've been out for awhile), I find some reviews and see what the cooling performance/loudness is like. I'd like a card that doesn't sound like a wind tunnel.

Just remember, a computer system is an investment. You should research online and be prepared to change your mind multiple times.
Whichever one is crazy cheap on newegg, either something is wrong with it, or a better card will be replacing it within a week. Avoid.