How To Create A New Console Background


Dec 30, 2004
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I hope this post will help those that want to change there console background. I figured it out how too after seeing that PAF map pack had changed my background to theres.

Here are instructions on changing your console background for Counter Strike Source.

Brief description: We are going to use the convert.bat in the Hl2 Spray Maker to make your new background from .tga to a .vtf so the game can display it.

1. If you don't already have it download the Hl2 Spray Maker.

2. Open Photoshop or Paint shop Pro.

3. Open or create your image and make it 1024x1024. Keep in mind the backgrounds are big like wallpapers. If your going to resize the image it’s going to looked squished or distorted but don’t worry it will look normal when you restart CSS. After your done making or creating your image where ready to save it.

4. Save it as a Targa file 32 bit and name it spray001 (spray001.tga)

5. Now open your Hl2 Spray Maker and put your new saved image into the Hl2 Spray Maker\hl2\materialsrc\animated sub folder. You should see a spray.txt file, open that and make sure you got only 1 Startframe and 1 endframe in quotes.


6. Now find the convert.bat file in your Hl2 Spray Maker and run it. If you understand on how to make animated sprays it’s usually quick but since our image is a little larger it make take a few more moments. Wait tell it says Hit a key to continue.

7. Once you’re done with converting you will now open \Hl2 Spray Maker\hl2\materials\animated folder and you should see 2 files.


Delete the spray.vmt since we are not making a spray and that it does not need to be used. Now rename the spray.vtf to background01.vtf.

8. Now open your Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[Your Name]\counter-strike source\cstrike\materials\console folder and you should see your normal background01.vtf. You can save it into another folder or you can just rename it to its description and leave it. Example: Originalbackground.vtf

Note: If you don't have the console folder in your materials directory you can just create a new folder named console and place the background.vtf file in it.

9. Once we got the original file out of the way we can copy or cut your new background01.vtf into its place. Now that we are done lets test it and see how it looks.

Start CSS and you should see your new background image.

Note: CSS does not use multiple backgrounds like Half Life 2 does. When making more backgrounds you can just rename them all to there description like in Para 8. and leave them all in the console folder. When you are ready to change just rename the one you want to background01.vtf and name the old one back to its descriptionname.vtf

Hope that helps you and I hope you enjoy your new background.

Had problems with Widescreen but my monitor is not capable of it so I dont recommend switching it.
nice post... this is very helpful for getting rid of that PAF thing...
stupid unwanted / unasked for background :sniper:
Thanks, Im glad I can help you. ;)

Also if you have the PAF background installed and want it removed but don’t want to go through on making a new background. You can just delete the console folder that was created by them. It will then revert back to the default background.
THNX a lot pal u really helped me with getting rid of that default background.
Very nice. I think I will give it a shot.