How to create fully functional NPC/ingame character model



ok we know how to create static models ,weapons ,animations but there is to tutorial showing how to create working character models from scratch. (not including beta version) Working mean with all animations sequences etc included alyx breen eli &co I thought that sdk sample content wouls solve this problem but ... there was nothing useful and helpful just look at the sample
qc: ( please delete this segment if it's against some copy law etc)

// Police SDK

$eyeposition 0 0 72

$bbox -13 -13 0 13 13 72

$modelname Characters\Police_SDK.mdl
$cdmaterials models\police

$model police "Police_SDK_reference.smd"

$includemodel characters\Player_animations.mdl

$include "../../humans/standardhierarchy.qci"
$include "../../humans/male/commonbones.qci"

$include "ruleshierarchy.qci"
$include "hitbox.qci"
$include "ragdoll.qci"


$lod 12

What I see here is some basic qc structure (different from beta) and missing Player_animations.mdl standardhierarchy.qci commonbones.qci
What are they ,what should be inside them??? who knows...
Can someone write tutorial how to create fully functional npc/ingame character ( working npc's qc file, list of needed sequences, everything ? ...please;)