How to fight back with Valve!!!: a legal know how

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Much expectations were laid on BS sep 30 release. Many of us had lost precious time and money on now old hardware. This is how we fight back my friends..

As soon as the game hits the store shelves, simply delay your interest in buying it until the stock value for Valve shares begins to topple down and stay average. During the fall, Valve will face much loss in revenue due to failed expected sales.

Remember, this will only work if YOU volunteer in it. As more people use this tactic the more effective it will be! I will do my part. :devil:
ib81, that's probubly one of the most idiotic propositions I've ever heared. You'll be on your own in this I expect.
Why fight back? It is a GODDAMN COMPUTER GAME! As nw909 said(I think): "You make it sound like Valve is your abusive father or something."
You realise valve will make a killing even if this entire community refuses to buy the game anyway? :)
You do also realise that Valve are a privately held company, so have no shares to decrease in value?

Do you also realise that Valve owe you absolutely nothing, like any developer who may miss deadlines?

Begone, fool.
"Lost precious time and money" did Valve make you do that? Did they come to your home and force you to buy hardware? I don't remember Valve ever saying, "You MUST run to the store right NOW and buy expensive hardware or else you shall all burn in the firey pits of Hell!"

I am at a loss at how people can be so incredibly upset over a computer game being late. My life is lacking a lot and I have many things I need to work on, but if I am ever that obsessed over a computer game, please someone shoot me.
hoho lv81 thanks for that, it made me laugh.
i bet you cry when your parents dont buy you snakes and ladders :/

ahg there are gunna be the odd few that agree with this... carnt wait till all the game reviews start coming out saying how great HL2 is... im sure many of these loosers wont be back to this fourm but i will go find their posts and then everyone will laugh at them for being loosers!
* points and laughs *

Sure, go boycot the game, while we're playing it. Have fun dumbass.
Valve has no shareholders, except it's employees. And besides, they don't owe you anything.

* Get's a deja-vu *
don't let him fool you, once the game comes out hes gunna be the llama that will say i supported valvez0r the whole time111
I'm annoyed with Valve's deceptive marketing tactics, but I don't see what good it would do to try and bankrupt them.
Mountain Man said:
I'm annoyed with Valve's deceptive marketing tactics, but I don't see what good it would do to try and bankrupt them.

It will show them that next time they decide on releasing a game they better keep their promises! :frown:
Um....Valve aren't a publicly traded company. There are no shares.

Also, as onions points out, the online community is a very small percentage of the overall sales. Nice try, but definitely no cigar.
But was it really a nice try? :|
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