How To Find Out Your System Specs?


Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, so I know about DxDiag, and I've found out:

Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG
AMD Athlon XP 2200+ ~1.8Ghz
NVIDIA GeForce MX 440-SE 64MB
SB Audigy Audio

Don't know what hard-drive or what RPM, but its 40GB...

I'm using some standard Microsoft keyboard and a Logitech MX1000 mouse if your interested. Don't know about the monitor, decent sized CRT and some old Labtec speakers.

So I'm guessing top of the list to upgrade would be the graphics card? What about processor and RAM, how are they?

Also, I was wondering how to tell what motherboard you have, I guess I need to know what RAM and PCI or AGP slots I have right? I guess you have to open the case up to tell that, but how do you recognise the slots?

I only know bits and pieces that I've gleaned from various places about PC Hardware, any help appreciated. :)

And another thing, my USB ports are fecked, is it worth just buying a new motherboard, or should I just get a whole new computer?
Well about every part of your pc needs upgraded besides the RAM. You could buy a better processor but im not sure if your motherboard would support a much better one. You could always upgrade your video card to atleast a radeon 9600 or geforce 5800 but you need to make sure you have an agp slot for the card. As long as your motherboard would support a better processor there is no need to buy a new computer, but if it doesn't then you might wanna get a new one.
I remember it this way.

To find out everything about your PC, download SiSoft Sandra 2005.
or Everest but either is goood and u do need to upgrade a bunch on ur computer
joule said:
I remember it this way.

To find out everything about your PC, download SiSoft Sandra 2005.

:D Thanks, thats a brilliant program.

If you think this computer's bad you should see the older one. :x I avoid using it, it hurts to use something so slow and spyware-ridden. I was going to try and salvage the RAM and hard-drive but I'm not sure if thats possible and wouldn't have a clue where to start, does the hard-drive need to be wiped? I wouldn't mind wiping it because it's full of spyware and crap, but I want to keep my music and documents.