How to kill Linux


linux + microsoft = freeware + (expensive) payware = acid + base = bad.

having been unable to get my damn wireless card working under mandrake, i think this might be a good idea, except for the freeware/payware part, that would turn a bit icky.
Linux is popular ebcause it is free, no one will buy it and certainly not from ms.
Combining two modules means connecting them together so that they form a single larger program. If either part is covered by the GPL, the whole combination must also be released under the GPL--if you can't, or won't, do that, you may not combine them.


I'd like to incorporate GPL-covered software in my proprietary system. Can I do this?
You cannot incorporate GPL-covered software in a proprietary system. The goal of the GPL is to grant everyone the freedom to copy, redistribute, understand, and modify a program. If you could incorporate GPL-covered software into a non-free system, it would have the effect of making the GPL-covered software non-free too.

A system incorporating a GPL-covered program is an extended version of that program. The GPL says that any extended version of the program must be released under the GPL if it is released at all. This is for two reasons: to make sure that users who get the software get the freedom they should have, and to encourage people to give back improvements that they make.


Bah nm, enough quoting. Theres loads of stuff explained on that site about the GNU GPL :P Read up...