How to make Bit Torrent downloads faster?


Apr 24, 2004
Reaction score
Before I changed hard drives, the downloads were usually much faster, ranging from 80-120 KB/s. My dad's computer also downloads at this speed.

However now I only get about 10 KB/s, or lower. I think it has to do something with a few ports being closed, or something like that, but I have no idea how to fix this or what to do.

Can anyone help me?

it can vary on the torrent. also what helps me get the most out of my connection is to not max out the upload speed because it will peak your bandwidth causing your download speed to not be very high.
Forward the ports on your router that you've configured your torrent software to use (with Azureus this is easy because you can test to see if it's working). Port forwarding is relatively simple, just make sure that you do it for YOUR local address on your network ( or whatever). Also cap your upload so that it doesn't interfere with your download, pick healthy torrents, etc.

Other than that it just depends on your ISP and luck. So far at uni I've been able to get 2,000kbp/s down and in excess of 1,200kbp/s up :D
****ing A, download speed increased a lot.

Thank you (and its awesome members)!

Now don't be downloadin' anything illegal, y'understand?

/Dr. Phil
I have lost all speed for bitorrent recently too, thus I have switched to utorrent.