How to 'own' yourself...

note to self - dont open those links at work
half naked girls on a website + co-workers looking on = bad :x
xLostx said:
note to self - dont open those links at work
half naked girls on a website + co-workers looking on = bad :x
Eh? That's work safe... tell your co-workers to get a life.
lePobz said:
Eh? That's work safe... tell your co-workers to get a life.
i was referring to the pics around the video, common on sites like those I know but for 40 year old ppl and being so young it doesnt look good lol
Oh my god the second one is BRILLIANT, that was so incredibly dying here lol. Touche!
I owned myself at work. I hit myself in the face with a door. !!() \/\/ /\/ 3 [)!!
Hahahahaha, **** you jim!

I heard the second one before, that is great.
roflmao literally, thats 2nd one is so f*ckin hilarious.

the 1st one is cringe-worthy. whats the deal with it? some work party or something?
yeah seen them both a few weeks back.. but thx for making me laugh once again :) LOL
With Blair talking about this "respect" policy, they'll probably be clamping down on prank calls too.
BTW, that second clip, Howard Stern says those guys listened to his show and ripped it off, just to point out how dumb Howard Stern is now
Dalamari said:
BTW, that second clip, Howard Stern says those guys listened to his show and ripped it off, just to point out how dumb Howard Stern is now

Don't even think we get Howard Stern in the UK...whoever the hell that is.

Yep he sounds dumb.
kirovman said:
With Blair talking about this "respect" policy, they'll probably be clamping down on prank calls too.

I'm starting to realise what the 'Respect' policy is going to be, its not going to be about getting rid of Chavs or 'yob culture' its gonna be "he/she is under 19, they must be drunk/disorderly/commiting a crime, all I see in the the future are more stop and searches, more police checks, more cheap cop-outs to please old people.
Shodan said:
I'm starting to realise what the 'Respect' policy is going to be, its not going to be about getting rid of Chavs or 'yob culture' its gonna be "he/she is under 19, they must be drunk/disorderly/commiting a crime, all I see in the the future are more stop and searches, more police checks, more cheap cop-outs to please old people.

You'll never get rid of chavs
I was practicing with my combat instructor after school (for defense-got pretty hard problems with a few people) and hit myself in the dick with a pair of nunchucks.

And Howerd Stern is the most ****ed-up and perverted talk show person I have ever seen.If you guys in the UK ever get it DO NOT watch it!!!!!!!!!