"How To Play The Scout"

Nice :D

I love playing scout, a lot more fun than you would expect. This video has taught me I should use the pistol a lot more often.
this guy is good, and makes scout look a lot more fun than i thought,
I've just recently started using him, and hes great, even for defence. Killing a heavy with a bat is pretty simple :)
I used to play Scout alot. He was easily the best class. But more recently I've been playing as Heavy, simply because it's easier.

This might actually get me playing more Scout...
in TFC I had a favorite class, but in TF2 they're all so useful I honestly just pick the class my team has the fewest of.
Good stuff, I'd love to play a few rounds with this guy sometime.
I don't play the Scout very often but I was last night, 2v2 defending on Dustbowl, it was a lot of fun.

I'll have to remember that jumping over people thing, it never occurred to me.
Oh, good. This guy gives good tips.
I play Scout all the time (he's my favorite) and this is very appreciated because frankly I'm still only decent at TF2.
I must know where he is playing. I want to play against total nubz and earn 1 point per 7 seconds:D.
Its unbelievable how he's batting them frantically and then he calmly jumps ontop of their heads. I always miss.