How to record sound from webbrowser?


Nov 1, 2004
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Is there a way to record/download a sound file that is playing through the web browser to the hard drive? Specificaly, i want to record/download a mix that is hosted on the thunderdome website, you can only play it but not download and i think its a flash-based site. go to line-up and the mix i want is by Tymon (top right corner). Is there any program that i can use to somehow download it from the site or record it while its playing? i want it on my Mp3 player so bad!!!

Is there a way to record/download a sound file that is playing through the web browser to the hard drive? Specificaly, i want to record/download a mix that is hosted on the thunderdome website, you can only play it but not download and i think its a flash-based site. go to line-up and the mix i want is by Tymon (top right corner). Is there any program that i can use to somehow download it from the site or record it while its playing? i want it on my Mp3 player so bad!!!


Well, a roundabout way of doing it is by using Teamspeak, and record it through your mic.
I used to have a program on my old computer which was basic sound recording through a microphone but you can choose the input devices. I could change this to output / speakers, and anything played through my speakers was instantly recorded. I used this to make mp3's of songs on youtube when I couldn't find them elsewhere. I also recorded music from a couple of flash based sites which wasn't downloadable too, very useful. I wish I could remember the name of the program, I think it was audigy sound blaster related unfortunately.
ya there is one with the audigy sound cards called "what you hear"
Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Audio tab > click Volume in the Sound recording section > Options > Properties > Check the one that sounds like it would be it, could be "Stereo Mix" or "What You Hear" if not already checked > click OK > Click Select under the one you just added or whatever correct one > close > click OK > Open any sound recording program and record.

Though most recording programs let you choose the recording source within the program, so you should again be looking for 'stereo mix' or 'what you hear' or something.
You might be able to use the Firefox addon/whatever "FastVideoDownloader" to download it (Yes, I know. I'm sure I've used it to rip audio files before). Either that or I remember using a particular download utility (Can't remember the name) to rip an embedded game out of a webpage by taking all the files.
Start > Control Panel > Sounds and Audio Devices > Audio tab > click Volume in the Sound recording section > Options > Properties > Check the one that sounds like it would be it, could be "Stereo Mix" or "What You Hear" if not already checked > click OK > Click Select under the one you just added or whatever correct one > close > click OK > Open any sound recording program and record.

Though most recording programs let you choose the recording source within the program, so you should again be looking for 'stereo mix' or 'what you hear' or something.
^ This.

You can check quickly if it's working by opening windows Sound Recorder and hitting record, then clicking on the sound slider to get that blip noise.