How to /revenge !?


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
A month ago I had my steam account hijacked (myspace phish got me- wasnt paying attention when the 20,000 .txt file was released)
I log on and talk to a brand new fella on my friends list who must of been added and says that he bought the account (my account) from a person he use to game with in CAL. He had his IP from the log of mIRC channels and gave it to me. So now i have this guys IP (this guy hijacked both emails and my steam account, took me 2-3 weeks to get everything back to normal after talkign to steam support) so... I submited a claim to his ISP against his acts.... Is there anything else i can do.. this guy im sure has made hundreds of dollars off of this and I would like to see some law enforcement to be done. The only problem from the ISP im sure is going to say to me is "You can't prove this guy gave you the hijacker's IP"
So I don't know where to go from here? I submitted my claim and will wait to see what they have to say.

Any suggestions?
Hire a PI to track his IP down to an address and go bash in his kneecaps with a louisville slugger.
Trace IP to his house. + baseball bat.
Own the mofo!

Hire a PI to track his IP down to an address and go bash in his kneecaps with a louisville slugger.

...yeah what he said, unless you aren't hard....
I already tracerouted his IP.. it comes up to cleveland,ohio... im 30m from cleveland ohio :)
But in a legal sense... what should I do


heh PI would be cool but I wasnt scammed out of any money- only time wasted- so i dont feel like paying money. I just want to show this kid that he can't get away with anything online. I would love to see his face when his ISP suspends his account
I already tracerouted his IP.. it comes up to cleveland,ohio... im 30m from cleveland ohio :)
But in a legal sense... what should I do


heh PI would be cool but I wasnt scammed out of any money- only time wasted- so i dont feel like paying money. I just want to show this kid that he can't get away with anything online. I would love to see his face when his ISP suspends his account

Go to his house, and leave suttle hints that you know he stole your account, and you're watching. ;)
hahhaha.... leave a note on his doorstep. I can be like a psychopathic killer =p
Get a gun and get far from his house. Scope it in and call him. When he answers start talking about the clothes hes wearing and what hes doing and that you should give him back his steam account. If he becomes a dick or hangs up shoot out window or computer and call him again.
Here's what you do:

Get a convincing black toy gun (or a real unloaded one if you have it), and a magnet large enough to wipe a hard drive without opening the case. Go to his place in detective garb (tan trench coat, fedora, etc.) or FBI uniform (all black, sunglasses, combed hair), and knock on the door. (that last step is important!)

When he answers, tell him to put his hands up and hug the wall, act like Kramer in the episode of Seinfeld (The Statue), say he's wanted on 1 account of Identity Theft (I know it's not technically, but he might not), maybe reference some random made up codes, work your way slowly to the computer, telling him to keep his head towards the wall, and when you get there, wave the magnet all around the side of the PC.

Then make your way out, say he got off easy this time, but next time...

Quickly exit and drive off before he notices his PC, or your license plate #.
Tis all well and good having his IP, but that only turns into an account, and then address, with the help of the ISP. And they won't tell you anything unless your law enforcement.
Go torch his house and the surrounding neighborhood, while going on a killing frenzy in downtown cleveland, going down forever in fame as the "butcher of Ohio".

Try to make it onto International News, or at the very least, 2nd page of USA Today.
I'll join you! I live like 10 miles from Cleveland.
You have to be a complete moron to fall for a phishing scam TBH.
You have to be a complete moron to fall for a phishing scam TBH.
I think he meant his account was included in the leaked myspace password .txt file and he must've used the same e-mail and password for his steam account.
So some guy who apparently bought your old account gives you an IP and tells you a little story.

And you trust this guy?

Just Email the details to Valve and forget about it.
Don't hire a PI ... Just hire Pi.

He'll make him walk the plank, and then shivver his timbers. Whatever that means.
I'll just call up Michael Jackson. He'll sort this BS up right.
Tell Valve to retrieve your account, quit being silly.
Umm.. if you read my post I have the account back and have had it back for quite a while. I just recently stumbled upon his IP address.

and yes Pulse- thats what happened. It wasnt one of the MSN convo's that is like "HEY IM GREG FROM VALVE WATSZ YOUR STEAM ACCCOUNT!!?!?!?!" and it wasnt one of the "put your steam account in the form below to beta test Portal!!"

and parrot- yes i have filed steam support tickets about the incident. you think valve is going to do anything MORE than just retrieve my account. I have my account but thats not good enough for me.. it's time for revenge. Such as temporarily shutting down all of his internet service due to illegal fraud over the internet.