How to select the game configuration in hammer


Apr 19, 2009
Reaction score

My question is,
I there a way to select the active game configuration in Hammer when editing a map?

In case I have misunderstood something I will explain my reasons for wanting to do this.
I have created a new mod via the source SDK menu called "Test", and I can modify the code and compile fine and use maps by copying the .bsd files into my Test mod folder.
However, I want to be able to edit maps for my mod within Hammer editor using custom entities I have created in the code.
I can see the game configuration for my mod under the Tools->Options menu in Hammer, and I have added an FGD file for my custom entity, which must be correct because my entity appears within this dialogue as an option in the DefaultPointEntity drop down.
However, when I create a new map and use the entity tool my entity does not appear in the list of available entities to add.
I followed the tutorial on
to get to this stage, and I'm convinced I've followed it to the letter.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

OK I feel quite stupid now...I spent *hours* looking for this yesterday. I load up source sdk today and there it is staring me in the face: current game drop down box.