How to start Modding


Feb 22, 2004
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Hey, I was wondering if any of you guys could help me out here... I really wanna start modding when HL2 is released (no point using the old engine now - i'll wait!), but was wondering how to go about it...? For example, how long does it take to make a finished Mod, what software will I need, do I need any background programming knowledge, etc. Any help would be great... Thanks! :bounce:
"no point using the old engine now - i'll wait!" Thats the wrong attitude. Starting learning how hl1 works now will help you when hl2 comes along. Programming knowledge is a godsend :)
Onions, do you yourself know how to Mod? How can I find out how the HL1 engine works, as I have absolutley NO previous programming knowledge ;( , aside from HTML, which I consider myself to be pretty "fluent" in, lol. Are there any good sites with Modding tutorials that are really easy to understand - like "Half Life Modding For Dummies" (LOL), for example?

This is a great C++ learning site. The Half Life 2 SDK (Software Development Kit) is in C++. If you want to be a coder for a MOD, learn C++. I would suggest finding a book and learning from that, because then you can easily refer back to it. A book that I heard was good is C++ Primer Plus.

I would suggest you learn to do something well (modeling, making maps using Valve's Hammer Editor, coding, skinning, sound, textures, and a few more I'm probably forgetting).

You can then go and look for a mod that has an opening in something you're good at and that also interests you. You will then probably have to send the MOD leader a portfolio of your best work.

I'm currently learning C++. I find this whole MOD thing quite enticing. Using an existing game engine is the best way to use your coding skills. You can make your own games (like a MUD or Pong) but they will not be very good. The best way to be able to show off your skills is to participate in a successful MOD.

Yip, Onions knows how to mod. :)

And sadly there is no "for dummies" route... you have to learn C++, then get the HL SDK, then poke about learning how it all fits together and works, then start changing things... only to find the changes cause some unexpected random thing to happen and send you back to the drawing board. :) <-- That has lots of info about C++ on it... I'm only a couple of steps ahead of you in "learning how to make mods", so I can't be much help other than to say "give that a read, maybe go out and buy a book aswell, and just start making random, crappy programs with the stuff you learn" <-- And there's the HL SDK... perhaps you should download that first and have a look around it... seeing the scareyness of it all will probably put you off unless you're really serious about making a mod. (which sadly most people refuse to believe I am ! :))

Oh... you'll also need some sort of compilery thing... they're less easy to come by...
Lol, thanks alot you guys:). So the basic idea is to learn C++, then get good in a certain area of Modding - i.e. Mapping, Modelling, etc.?
Okay, i'm downloading the Full SDK installation from dev dev revolution. When it completes, i'll see what to do from there...
However, before I actually start using these MOD progs, shouldn't I come up with some basic concepts (Sketches, Plot, Characters, Weapons, etc.)?

Btw simmo, what is .dev (TOTAL n00b LOL :rolleyes: )?
.dev ?, Its a kewl new site being released which focus's on the editing side of HL2 run by that damn Majestic ;) lol
Oi simmo!

hokai, you dont need to make a plot/whatever to learn coding. Just play around in c++, and learn how to use DirectX. You can use the Source engine later on to play around with.

Learning c++ is kinda hard... so it will take some time before you can mod big time.
Kool. Are you a "competent" Modder, or a n00b like moi?

Damn this 56k connection. I want the SDK + Hammer Editor NOW!! :p
hokai said:
Kool. Are you a "competent" Modder, or a n00b like moi?

Damn this 56k connection. I want the SDK + Hammer Editor NOW!! :p

I consider myself as a "competent" modder. Been mapping and game desiging for about 7-8 years now. but im not a pro... not by a long shot (but i will soon... hopefully)
Yeah, seems like it takes a lot of practice to become any good. As with anything lol.
What programming knowledge do you need to start/become proficient in character/weapon modelling?
Valve is releasing a special version of Softimage XSI for MODs. They used that program to make their models and textures.

Has it been released yet? If so where is it available?
Cool. Ill wait until the HL ver. of SoftImage comes out. I'm currently learning BASIC using DarkBASIC. Seems pretty interesting. Anyone else know BASIC as thier primary programming language?
BASIC is a good language for learning the tenants of programming, but it is not going to be sufficient for any serious coding. C++ is fundamentally different from BASIC in that it is an object oriented language, and thus adheres to a completely different design principle.

As for modeling, I would suggest downloading XSI EXP and learning the basics of low-polygon modeling. Any skills learned in standard EXP will transfer directly over to the HL2 edition, there’s nothing to lose by starting now.
The reason I don't like Softimage is because you must have your resolution at 1280 x 1024. This really hurts my eyes!!

Majestic XII said:
The sdk for HL1 has been out for some years silly :)
But i'm "SPESHIAL" (say it out loud), or at least people tell me I am.
Anyway i've only just begun editing!

So meh. :)
hokai, "special" in a retard kinda way?:p(Not meaning to be mean, just had to :()
Kinda special, kinda retard. But not really. Lol. :p