how to stop automatic driver install?


Jul 19, 2003
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hi, im trying to install a different graphics driver on my computer, so i uninstall the old one and restart, but by the time windows has finished loading it says 'windows has finished installing a new driver' or something like that. It just keeps installing it automatically and doesnt give me the chance to install the drivers i want. any way to turn this off?

im using win 2000 pro btw.
It should only be the standard vga driver it install, you can install over that... (without a driver you cant see much, it needs something ;))
basically when i restarted it would be in a low resolution, low colours running off the vga driver, then it would say driver install complete, restart your computer for it to take effect. anyway i think i found the setting under video properties says ask before applying new settings. cheers anwyway