How to stop terrorism by airplanes.


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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This is the 20th anniversary of the Anti-aircraft gun firing at a commercial airplane for flying above Seoul. It was brought down and the pilot was beaten up by intelligence officials.

Seoul is a no-fly zone; any plane, commercial, civilian, military, ect flying over it will be fired upon by 40mm AA autocannons stationed at tall buildings. This was maintained to stop possible terrorism against seoul, the most heavily populated area in Korea. (10 million people live there, a fifth of our population)

So, I've been thinking, if New York had been a no fly zone, would 9/11 have been prevented or at least had fewer deaths? If it was, a plane flying over New York would be enough to raise suspicions and alarms.
Here's an easier way to stop terrorism by air.

Get rid of the air.

I would have preferred aeroplanes but :p

If you shot down a plane over a city, you are going to kill a lot of people. I suppose if terrorists flew it into somewhere, at least the blame is on them.
If you want to stop terrorism by aeroplanes, put dogs in the cockpits. Terrorists hate dogs. Totally.
But less people would die, right? Rather than 3000, the toll could be reduced to 300 or less.
I'd just get Superman to throw the plane into the sun in a reported case of terrorism.
Yeah, but how do you get to the city airports if it's a no fly zone?
I thought manhattan was a no-fly zone anyway.(at least at really low altitudes) But they wouldn't shoot the freaking plane down. that's a korea thing.

The whitehouse also has AA guns stationed nearby it.

After 9/11 I wouldn't be surprised if a hijacked plane was immediatley shot down.
Yeah, but how do you get to the city airports if it's a no fly zone?

There isn't any. The nearest airport is 100kms away.

I thought manhattan was a no-fly zone anyway.(at least at really low altitudes) But they wouldn't shoot the freaking plane down. that's a korea thing.

The whitehouse also has AA guns stationed nearby it.

After 9/11 I wouldn't be surprised if a hijacked plane was immediatley shot down.

However, manhatten doesn't have any defence, rendering the no-fly uselses..
But less people would die, right? Rather than 3000, the toll could be reduced to 300 or less.

so instead of a giant plane shaped missle you'd have many giant automoblie sized missles of flaming debris, airplane fuel and body parts raining on the populace below
....You're suggesting America makes Manhattan a no-fly zone and places AA guns to shoot any plane flying in its area down, even if its only civilian?
....You're suggesting America makes Manhattan a no-fly zone and places AA guns to shoot any plane flying in its area down, even if its only civilian?

Yes. If they didn't know it was a no-fly zone, then tehy shouldn't be flying in the first place.
The 9/11 planes could have been intercepted by fighter jets and shot down couldn't they? Or am i imagining that. I seem to remember some controversy about it.

Since then i've seen many incidences of wayward planes being escorted by f-16s to safety on the news etc. One small deviation from your course and they'll amram that plane to little pieces.
he'd be far more interesting if he was gay, ..or mormon or jewish or white-supremacist ..anything but what he is now
It all depends on the writer stern :p!

Numbers, I'm not following your logic here. Shooting down a plane in the middle of the you know the repricussions? That'll result in even more death.
I've tried ...even when John Byrne took over it was still predictable and boring

frank Miller did the character justice when he made him into an uber-patriot (Dark Knight Returns)

Batman even kicks his ass

A gay superman, buttrape you in a blink of an eye.
hmmm you're not suggesting all gays are rapists are you?

I always believed Superman couldnt be attracted to earth women/men .. he could tear them in half ...if you know what I mean

Considering he has a son which if you watch "Superman Returns", you will find out..

It must've been good for Lois Lane...
Ummm, you can't fly directly over Manhattan anyways, plus we don't shoot down commercial jet liners just for flying where they shouldn't
How to stop planejacking? Put porn pictures in the cockpit. Any informed terrorist knows that if he dies while watching porn, he is not a martyr. Hes a pervert.

And perverts go to hell.
How to stop planejacking? Put porn pictures in the cockpit. Any informed terrorist knows that if he dies while watching porn, he is not a martyr. Hes a pervert.

And perverts go to hell.

Assuming they're Islamic terrorists of course :smoking:
How to stop planejacking? Put porn pictures in the cockpit. Any informed terrorist knows that if he dies while watching porn, he is not a martyr. Hes a pervert.

And perverts go to hell.

This man should be at the Head of Homeland Security.
if you have AA protecting large cities the planes would not get close enough for the chunks to slam into the city. Even if the plane gets close enough, being taken out by AA would at least break it up to the point where it would cause less damage or at least keep it from hitting its intended target/

Regardless, shooting down all sorts of aircraft is not really an option over new york or most american cities anyway. The airports are already there and people would not take kindly to it.

The best course of action would be to simply monitor air traffic in a much tighter manner
I doubt the feasibility of such a scheme, It seems to me that it would be impractical from an operational, economic and security point of view.

How many States or Cities can be protected by this scheme?
Another spoiler!

You know what's funny? At the end when superman is at his sons bedside, he says, "You will travel far, my little Kal-El, but we will never leave you-even in the face of our deaths. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father. And the father, the son."

Bibleman! Anyways there was a few bible quotes through out the movie like that.

Seriously brainwashed-numbers-boy, where do you think up this shit?

Americans (well some of them) would hate to have the AA guns sitting around Manhattan waiting for a terrorist hijacked plane to come and destroy the Empire State building/Statue of Liberty/whatever other building looks pleasing to the bastards eyes. Americans are to much of passivists to want that much security, just think, if most of the Americans hate the security at a sports game do you really think that they would want that much security?
