how was your.....


Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
...first kiss
whats his/her name
how did it happen was it good or did it suck?:E
Mine was pretty good. It sort of "happened", you know...

Clocked in at roughly 37 minutes, too :D
stigmata said:
Mine was pretty good. It sort of "happened", you know...

Clocked in at roughly 37 minutes, too :D
how the hell do you kiss continuously for 37 minutes?
first kiss was with a girl named martha, seventh grade.

and kissing continuously is better known as making out.
JellyWorld said:
how the hell do you kiss continuously for 37 minutes?

Maybe he was kissing and took little breaks in-between. Like making out, then a peck, then making out again.

It's simple to do it long, but me and the Mrs don't make-out that much anymore.
all i know is that with long kisses like that... you get short on air man
Lemonking said:
...first kiss
whats his/her name
how did it happen was it good or did it suck?:E

Alternativly, whos first kiss was a suck?!? :D
My first kiss was age 11. Can't remember the girls name. I remember enjoying it though

First 'proper' kiss - i.e. french was with a girl called Holly. God she was a bitch - ****ed me about something proper. I hear she dropped out and is now working some shitty job. Well, you get what you ****ing pay for. Bitch.

Ennui said:
all i know is that with long kisses like that... you get short on air man
We have a nasal tract for a reason, you know :P
CptStern said:
dont remember who or when
you dont remember which cave-woman you chose?

my first kiss was probably earlier than most, because i had a LOT of girls my age on my block and we did all the regular "exploring" stuff. probably around 8 or 9. proper kiss was a few years later, i was much different then. seem to remember enjoying it though.
My first kiss was when i was around 12/13. With my ex. But she turned into a bitch.

Had my first kiss with my current girlfriend last saturday, which lasted for like... an hour :D
Meh about a year ago I guess...was good but I couldn't be bothered with anymore so accidently stopped any chance of getting a girlfriend from it :D which im glad of now.
It'll hit you when you least expect it, and it'll probably be disappointing. People don't tend to be born as good kissers. I know my first kiss was rather lame.

-Angry Lawyer
gh0st said:
you dont remember which cave-woman you chose?

ouch was that supposed to be a witty repartee masquerading as a thinly veiled attempt at making fun of my age? ...didnt see that one coming :upstare:
I have never even remotely kissed, or tried to kiss ANYONE in my entire life.
First one I CHOOSE to remember? *IE all the others were skanky whores.*

My first actual girlfriend. Not just some damned fling. Hell even my first love. Katie. ..2 and a half years ago.

I was chasing after this one chick, ready to ask her out and stuff, flirting what not. Well, in an attempt to flee from me, she threw me at her friend, katie. Well, we decided to go on a date, went to the movies, had a blast. Well, I was one of those extremely nervous types. She kept looking at me, close to my face..just looking. You know, when a girl wants you to kiss her. took till near the END of the movie to actually do it. It was the best kiss of my this date even. Damn..shoudln't have gone down memory lane...

CptStern said:
ouch was that supposed to be a witty repartee masquerading as a thinly veiled attempt at making fun of my age? ...didnt see that one coming :upstare:
it was more of a quip.
hmmm....the 7th grade, in the lunch line...good times, good times
Pfft, love doesn't work, its just a concept invented to sell cards and chocolates on the 14th of febuary.

Every relationship I've been in has involved me getting used. My first relationship (at 16) lasted 8 months, and it turned out for the last two months, she had been cheating.

[/emo-esque rant]

-Angry Lawyer
July 11th, 2003. Only reason I remember that is because it was my ex and me's anniversary. Lasted a long time.

She's a psycho.
her Name was Tamara and I was 12 the first thing she said when I finished "you have big lips" WTF? I still dont know if that was a complement or I just wasnt a good I had some gf aftert that they never reallt complained
CptStern said:
ouch was that supposed to be a witty repartee masquerading as a thinly veiled attempt at making fun of my age? ...didnt see that one coming :upstare:

I laughed.
I dont know ..kiss me it may refresh my memory :naughty:
Couple months ago at the Audioslave gig, never saw her again *tear*
Two days later got in on with the girl who would later be my girlfriend for couple weeks till we ended it. meh
5th grade with a girl named becca, during spin the bottle. how gay is that! :o
I was 11 and this ugly chick wanted to kiss me and I was desperate

^That was my first french kiss btw, cause I don't really count any other method as a proper kiss.
mine was with the girl next door:p

she has finished uni now, i jsut finished as levels! u know it!

when i was 8 or something, hell im fit :p

/ <3 me!
I'm 13 now and my kiss count is 14(yeah, I know, I suck for counting)....anyway I'm a bit of a loser when it comes to romance but hopefully by next year I should get some more action.