How well will HL2 work on my comp?



I'd just like to get someone else's opinion on how well it should run. Specs:
Upgrading to Asus, Pentium-4, SIS 655 chipset, 533MHZ bus, DDR333, 8X AGP, Audio P4SDX

Pentium III 733MHZ (upgrading to Pentium 4 2.0GHZ soon)
384MB of RAM (upgrading to 512MB DDR RAM soon)
ATI Radeon 9500 Pro 128MB
40GB hard drive
Windows XP Professional
Thanks. :D
well you definately need to just toss that peice of shit setup out right now, you need atleast 4.6 GHz, NvidiAti (latest company) Gaedon FX 100000, 13 GB of the most expensive ram you can find, and DOS. Unless you want .01 fps on 2x2 resolution
/me chuckles
I hate these threads.
It'll run it pretty good just cause your video card, it does most of the work, its Faster than the X-box.
lol a 9800pro and 5900ultra are probly like 8x faster than an xbox at all the people who say consoles are better than pc......
Spud actually if he wants the best he needs my comp:

88,400,300ghz Pentium 999 6,000,000 FSB ASUS Motherboard
50GB RD Ram
ATI Radeion 50,000 Pro 5,000,000mb
1,000,000,000,000GB Harddrive @ 100,000,000,000,000,000 RPM
6000" Flat screen monitor
Windows 3.1
Dude, NvidiAti owns both ATI and Nvidia, the Geadon FX series will blow them away.