How well would you think this would work out..


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Heh.. I've never modded anything before, but I am a considerably good artist for my age, I was wondering if it might be a good idea for me to start a mod. I would be able to give a good idea of how the mod would look through my artistic ability, but I would need others to carry out the rest.. I was wondering if I would need to offer more then just my artistic skill to be able to have a team. I also have a good idea for what the mod will be like (it's a pretty fun concept in my oppinion).. It shouldn't be too hard to make when compareing to some mods that seem over the top to me, but I'm not sure..

What do you guys think I should do.. Should I attempt to carry out a mod with just my artistic ability and ideas?

you can check a small bit of my art at although most of it is pixelated.
It seems like mod leaders contribute more than art, but you could try and see what happens. One question, do you mean in-game art, or just concept?
I'd be doing concept art, I'm not too experienced at doing graphics for in these 3d type games..
I think you should join a mod as a concept artist first. You need some experiance before you go and make your own mod (alot of experiance, both in your artistic skill and leading skill).

Its a shame to see good mods (idea- and gfxwise) to die just because the leader cant handle it.

Edit: *visits site* oh my god! flashback flashback! Your site (with all the small islands) looks like an old strategy game..cant remember the name though...
A good mod team should have the following (in my mind anyway)

1) one strong leader, someone who's fair and listens to new idea's but will drop those in a team who aren't pulling their weight or may cause trouble

2) The leader should have experience in all area's, and excel in atleast one area themselves, just like a good Director on a movie.

3) The leader should put together and plan as much as possible for the project before getting a team together. Have a solid set plan and stick to it. Then start looking for artists, modelers, animators etc.

4) Get a good team together, talented and reliable. Newbies might be very enthusiastic but they could end up being more trouble than their worth, and holding their hand through everything can really turn a fun project into a bore. Course you can break this rule if you can fit them in doing just odd bits and pieces that aren't so important if their not done on time, or can be redone with little effort later

5) don't over do things, perhaps concentrate on one area at a time, working with a smaller group. For example start on the maps first, just the building of them, the basic forms, don't worry about the details and fun extra's. Get the basic maps down, make sure they work. Then move onto the models. Get them built and working in your world. Then start concentrating on textures for the models, when their done the map textures. Keep going through things like that, don't try do it all at once or its going to get very complicated very quickly and you'll soon get lost in what has and hasn't been done

5) It's _your_ project, unless someone gives you a really good idea, avoid constantly changing things too much after you've got everything planned out, you should at this point have gone through many idea's already, long before getting your team setup. Making major changes now can cause countless problems

6) Be firm but fair with your team, unless your paying with them, their doing this for fun, experience but mostly the enjoyment of being part of such a project. Don't treat them like shit or they'll walk faster than you can say oops. But at the same time don't let them walk over you either, if they can't hold their own, then its time to replace them

7) If you do have to let someone go and their causing you grief, saying stuff on forums and websites. Don't waste your time getting into a slanging match with them, let them get it out of their system and don't worry what others will think, anyone with brains will know someone shooting their mouth off about being dropped is just pissed. Don't lower yourself to their level

8) Be fair with the credits, if someone on your team gave you a great idea that you did end up using, or you were inspired by someone elses work or idea's. Credit them for it. It's just a name and to a lot of people it can mean a lot, especially if their not being paid

9) NEVER, ever ever ever EVER use someone elses work without express permission, don't assume nobody will notice cause ten out of ten times someone WILL notice and if you haven't got permission to use it you could be in serious shit, especially stealing from Artists, we almost always will turn things nasty and involve lawyers. BUT at the same time, if an artist is asked nicely first, more often than not they'll work something out with you, same goes for programmers and musicians too I guess. Rule is, don't steal

10) Most importantly of all. Your doing this for fun, if your doing it for fame and riches, give it up and go get another job instead, unless your very very lucky you are not going to make your fortune with some mod, maybe some fame in certain circles but thats probably the most you can expect unless you have a killer hit on your hands and with so many doing it its rare. Do it for the enjoyment of doing it, never do it for the money

-- wow I wrote more than I thought I had.. thats sad lol --
Thanks Fenric, i'll consider everything you said..
i'm working on a mod, and am looking for members, and have some ideas for concept art, so I would like a concept artist to be added to the team. if you e-mail me @ [email protected], i will e-mail you back with info about the mod (i'm trying to keep most of it secretive to the public so it doesn't get stolen). So e-mail me and I'll let you in on the story/premise.

- Dave
Originally posted by D Mason
i'm working on a mod, and am looking for members, and have some ideas for concept art, so I would like a concept artist to be added to the team. if you e-mail me @ [email protected], i will e-mail you back with info about the mod (i'm trying to keep most of it secretive to the public so it doesn't get stolen). So e-mail me and I'll let you in on the story/premise.

- Dave

get people you take on to sign and return a NDA (none disclosure agreement) before you tell them anything other than the basics, if they wont sign it you know their not serious, and when they do sign it, if they blab you've got em by the balls. Maybe not as useful if its some kid but for the pro's and semi-pro's out there it'll be handy and they'll be used to them anyway.

Just an extra bit of precaution anyway