How will you get your copy of HL2?


Aug 29, 2003
Reaction score
Through steam? Retail? Ebay? TELL ME!!!!! :cheese:
Via the friendly delivery man...via the truck, the plane, the handler, EB games in the states, Valve
Wait till someone buys it and jump him when he walks outside.
I plan on breaking into the VU Games production plant and stealing a few boxes! Muwahahhaa..
I will get my copy off of ebay... Im not cool enough to rob anybody because if I try to rob somebody they do what most girls do to me: point and laugh. :(
Shuzer said:
I plan on breaking into the VU Games production plant and stealing a few boxes! Muwahahhaa..
A few or all MUWAHAHAHAHA!
I have a cdkey and will be getting it off steam, but i know when that day comes Ill probably be so amped that i will buy the retail copy.
I need something tangiable so therefor I need a box... SO I CAN BIULD MYSELF A CASTLE!!!
I will probably get it off Steam, but like Tork said, it will be swamped so I am going to see if I can get the collector's edition if I go to valve again.. I mean, buy it from them at Valve offices :)

I've reserved 4 copies. I don't really know why. The guy was like "So do you have your pre-order for Half-Life 2 yet?" am I'm all like "Hellz yeah, I gots it teh l4sT w33k" and he's all in my face with "Well you better pre-order it a few more times, I hear that there will only be 20 copies per store" and I'm like "fo'shizzle!?1" and he said "Yes". So that is my little story.
Getting back to the topic, Where is the cheapest place you can buy FULL, NON-BOOTLEG games?
Some_God said:
Getting back to the topic, Where is the cheapest place you can buy FULL, NON-BOOTLEG games?

rabdsqrrl said:
Steam, i'm too lazy to get up and go out to the store.

What kind of a HL2 Fanboy are you!??!
:cheers: I am getting my Half Life 2 from Bittorrent.

I kid I am going to an electronics/videogame store and purchase the game secretly(might consider reserving).
:bounce: probably just get it at a store :bounce: and i like this smiley :bounce: :bounce:
mxmadman said:
:bounce: probably just get it at a store :bounce: and i like this smiley :bounce: :bounce:

His name is "Bernie"
Ill bike for 30mins to the local game shop, then bike home in 15 mins on adrenilin :D.
if you lived in arizona, i could tell you how to travel through time to get half life 2...and its called comatose, you simply run around all day in the 115 degree heat until you get severe heat stroke, but make sure your close to a hospital that way you dont simply die. when you wake up, voila, hl2 has been released...unfortunately your parents deserted you and all your friends think youre dead... sob sob...i may or may not know that from personal experience
mxmadman said:
if you lived in arizona, i could tell you how to travel through time to get half life 2...and its called comatose, you simply run around all day in the 115 degree heat until you get severe heat stroke, but make sure your close to a hospital that way you dont simply die. when you wake up, voila, hl2 has been released...unfortunately your parents deserted you and all your friends think youre dead... sob sob...i may or may not know that from personal experience

I tried running myself unconscious once...turned out that I was to fit to be overcome by fatigue.
impossible there sweetheart, the body can only take so much abuse no matter how built you are. Especially if the body becomes dehydrated, no amount of buffness can stop that.
mxmadman said:
impossible there sweetheart, the body can only take so much abuse no matter how built you are. Especially if the body becomes dehydrated, no amount of buffness can stop that.

Well, obviously you are flawed.
I am going to wake up 6 O clock in the morning go to EB games wait till they will open up, stay in the store until delivery man comes and will take the HL 2 Box throw them 50 dollars or 60 and run back home asap! And PLAY!!!
Shuzer said:
I plan on breaking into the VU Games production plant and stealing a few boxes! Muwahahhaa..


hmm...actually Shuzer i'll help ya out :E :LOL:

edit: im getting a retail version :)
It will depend entirely on the contents of the CE pack. If there is something in there I actually would like then I will buy from the first games shop I can get to.
If there isn't then I will get it through Steam.

I wish they would make some kind of announcement on the versions and their content though.
I'm going to threaten the cashier with an unsharpened pencil and take a copy. They will eventually catch me and I will end up in the same jail cell as the guy that haxx0red t3h game. We will talk about HL2 and I will ask him what I missed. Eventually he will become gay for the other guy in our cell (Gabe Newell). (Gabe sold thousands of copies of HL2 to people and the copies were blank CDs.) Gabe likes it until he realizes that it's the haxx0r... and I will sit on the bench inside the cell wondering why I didn't just buy the game with the $600 that I saved over the course of the last 6 months.

Actually, I'm just going to buy the game using the $600 that I have saved over the course of the last 6 months.
Going to Future Shop or EB to get mine. I kind of like having a box and manual.