Howl's Moving Castle


Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
I don't care about the fact that a grown person just watched and enjoyed what is essentially a "childrens" movie, but I just saw "Howl's Moving Castle" and I thought that it was an awesome film; the music and animation were top notch, and the scope of some of the scenes was breathtaking....
Hayao Miyazaki is truly an inspired individual....
Make fun of me if you want, but I thought it was a damn cool movie.....
The movie's a lot different than the book its based on. More philosophical and symbolic.
Check out Spirited Away and other Miyazakis before you get too too carried away imho Howls Moving Castle is a bit over rated, and if you get even deeper check out grave of the fireflies.
Yup, loved it. The books tend to do things differently and sometimes better than the movies, but it doesn't take away any enjoyment I get from the films too. Try Nausicaa also.
Howl's Moving Castle is great. Kid's movie or not, I love the trippiness and the unconventional main characters, and the visuals on some of the more surreal magic-ey moments are just superb.

It got a lot of mixed reviews from critics, but I think that's mainly because the whole 'let's hype up the imported animation flicks!' trend had gotten a bit old, so bored journos figured it was time to make up a different opinion. The criticisms I read had very little basis. I actually liked Howl more than Spirited Away and Nausicaa, but Mononoke is still my favourite Miyazaki.
It was good like a Star Wars game soundtrack is good, you're expecting it to be brilliant but it's nothing really new. It was impressive in terms of animation and imagination, but it was pretty typical Ghibli fare. The plot kind of failed to draw me in either, it moved too fast and the characters were pretty two dimensional (beyond the actually being a wizard/teenage girl/freakish bird thing alot of them seem to have going on). The heroine really got on my nerves with her whole "pure of heart" thing that anime has made so redundant. Gimme characters with a bit more substance =/

Also it seemed to really miss the point with the whole seeing people for what they are on the inside thing...

Much prefer Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away (and Grave of the Fireflies, for different reasons).
VictimOfScience said:
Yup, loved it. The books tend to do things differently and sometimes better than the movies, but it doesn't take away any enjoyment I get from the films too. Try Nausicaa also.

...of the Valley of the Wind,great Film :)
Nausicaa was cool too. I shed a tear at the end (but I didn't cry like I did on Grave of the Fireflies :().