HTML help

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
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On this website im making i have a song in the background playing, but when i change pages, how do i get it to continue playing where it left off instead of replay the song?

Heres the code for the song im using:

<bgsound src="Cake - He's Going the Distance.mp3" loop="-1" volume="1">
The trick I used 6 years ago was to put a hidden frame (1px wide) and put that song in that frame so in the main frame you would have the content you want to display and when you click on a link, only the content of that page refresh, not the music because it's in another frame.
I strongly recommend either NOT putting it in at all, or making it an <embed> tag so that people can turn it OFF.

There's nothing I hate more than background music... a good percentage of internet users have their own music playing already.
I agree with Ennui, i have to have my DreamTheater/Symphony X...

: p

and it definalltly gets annoying/repetitive after a while..

Yea I also agree, background music can be really annoying, first because many people already listen to music when they browse the net, second, it takes a while to load so if you do want to put a background music make sure you load it after the rest of the main content and third, 95% of the amateur sites that use background music use something they would listen in their car. Many users don't want to listen to that music while they browse a Web site. Personnally when a music starts playing in the background I close the Web site immediately.
Ti133700N said:
Personnally when a music starts playing in the background I close the Web site immediately.

Just say no to the music .... unless it's an essential element of the site. Not only is it annoying, makes the page take longer to load, annoying, makes you want to punch the screen etc ....... you also have to bear in mind that your music tastes are not going to match 100% of the people visiting the site. You don't say what the website is, but if you want anyone but you to visit it, then just say NO !

PS Put the link up so we can have a look
Music web pasges suck, CS with background music sucks more!
The worst thing is opening 7 pages at once with shift+click with your volume near full, then not knowing which farking page is playing the music.

Please don't use music, or at least give the option to stop it. Or have it stopped to begin with.
What you ould do ... is have a link that the user could click on... that would take them to a little pop up box that has a drop down menu of music... and if they are feeling up to it they can select one and the music will play.

If they close out the box - the music stops.. if not .. they have some nice ambient tunage to browse your site with.

I did this a few years ago on a site - and people liked it.