
I followed this tutorialand I got stuck on:

Converting the spray to CS:Source VTF format
Now we've saved our spray as a 32bit TGA owing to the fact that Source doesn't support TGA sprays we have to convert it to the *.VTF file format so that it knows what to do with the spray. Download vtex from here and extract to wherever you want (maintaining the directory structure of the rar file) and follow these steps:

1. Place our newly created TGA file in the following folder * vtex\hl2\materialsrc\sprays
2. Run the file tga2vtf.bat to create the VTF file
3. Move the newly created *.vtf and *.vmt files from* vtex\hl2\materials\sprays and put them in the following directory:

because whenever I tried it, it said I did not have a config file, and it created an empty .txt file.

I was told to post on here if I had any problems with the tutorial so, any help would be most welcome. Thank you.
