HUD display problems


Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
Im having problems with the HUd in DM and singleplayer...not in there a solution to this.

ATi Radeon 9800
1024mb 2700 RAM
Intel P4 3.2ghz HT northwood
I had this too, just validate your Hl2 or HL2DM files whatever that is, and it sorts it.
how do i validate my filesdoesn't steam do that now and again.
Have steam running.

Go to start -> run and put this in.

steam://validate/220 ( that validates HL2 SP)
when thats done

steam://validate/320 (thats HL2DM)
Should do the trick.
I had some weird distortion on my HUD a few days ago. Like my Clip number was halfway up the screen, my torch battery monitor remained on permanently etc.

Luckily next time I ran HL2 it just cleared itself up. Not that that really helps much, just thought I'd share :)
thanks hectic glen...validating now..should solve the problem!
That happens to me whenever I go from windowed to fullscreen mode. Probably not very helpful to you, but ya know...well, maybe not.
if im not mistaken validating steam files checks for any irregular or corrupt files and replaces them...yes????/
I believe this only happens when you make adjustments to the video options.
To be specific, it only happens when there is a resolution change, or a Fullscreen to Window mode change.