I'm looking through the SDK code (day #2 for me) and I've put together a basic CHudElement class. Where does the GetIcon() function of the CHud class actually look for the icons? I understand that it checks m_Icons, the "Global list of known icons", which is defined in hud.h, but where on the HD, I mean, is it looking for the actual data?
It looks like this is some behind-the-scenes stuff, where it would check some .res, or .ttf(?) file, or something. I can't find any reference to the icons mentioned in the SDK code (eg. "hud_blood1", "crosshair_left_full", etc.) in any of the files in the /mymod tree, or anywhere really.
Thanks for any help.
It looks like this is some behind-the-scenes stuff, where it would check some .res, or .ttf(?) file, or something. I can't find any reference to the icons mentioned in the SDK code (eg. "hud_blood1", "crosshair_left_full", etc.) in any of the files in the /mymod tree, or anywhere really.
Thanks for any help.