Hullo! And now, a bittorrent problem...


Sep 8, 2004
Reaction score
Jus' like to say hi - I've been checking out this forum for a while, seeing as it seems pretty sound would like to post :laugh: Yeah. lol.

And to pose a problem to y'all - I've been checking out the Hl2 Binks. Pretty impressive, huh? I tend to use bittorrent, and as such avoid leeching offof 3dgames etc. who probably could use the bandwidth for something better. I use Tornado, and have punched all the necessary holes in windows' firewall - 6881> - but I still get the yellow light. When I deactivate the firewall and d/l, I get speeds of 50kb/s+. Its odd - I can't recieve any incomings even with the necessary ports opened, as long as the firewall is active.

Anyone else have this problem? Or could shed some light?

Sorry, would'a posted on a bittorrent forum, but everyone there seems to rip the heads offof n00bs with problems such as myself.


Welcome to the forums:)
Sorry I can't help, I'll try to find something on the net about this, but my guess you still did something wrong with the ports.
Do you have a ethernet moden, sharing 2 computers or more, did this only start after you installed the windows firewall, did the same setup work before you installed the firewall, where are you from cause I know a page that explains everything for this but it is in Dutch.
Go to (purposly misplet just minus the 'e' in the middle) then go on there forums and then on to "How to"
then in the "Bittorrent" catergory and then on the "HOW TO - FIX SLOW DOWNLOADS OR HIGH UPLOADS " post this should tell you about the problem with the ports etc.
Yeah, I'm using XPSP1. I'm just downloading ZoneAlarm westie, 'ccording to said forum guide I'm doing everything right :angel: but maybe I'll have more luck with a different firewall. Not logical, I know.

Cheers for the advice, jondy
Nah, no router, no hardware wall at all.
well i never used sp1 firewall much but i do know it had some quirks like not letting you use file sharing over lan with it on and other things. it wasn't great.

id either use zonealarm or get sp2 and use the built in windows firewall in there, its much better than sp1's, you can specify programs like in other firewall programs.