Human blood types


Oct 3, 2003
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I know nothing about human blood types so i started reading about it!!


Looking at this from an evolutionary perspective, why are there different blood types? Aliens? Interbreeding with primitive primates?

Present your theories in an orderly manner gentlemen.
They were created so that if I am seriously injured they probably won't have blood to keep me alive.

O- D:

Post your blood type btw.
They arise just like any other phenotype. Different populations of people had different bloodtypes simply because they were geographically seperate from each other, allowing specific genes to emerge. There was probably some evolutionary advantage to having a particular blood type at one time. After humans covered the globe, those early geographic connections became meaningless and humans interbred, leaving behind the relics of our early seperation: the blood types.
A+ Baby! And what theotherguy said, 'cause I'm too tired/lazy to think...
Thanks theotherguy. That sounds logical.

I have no idea what my blood type is.
Wikipedia's Japanese Blood Types theory. said:
Best Traits: Creative, passionate, animal loving, optimistic, flexible and individualistic.
Worst Traits: Forgetful, irresponsible, and self-centered.

Kinda' sounds like me.
Type A sounds most like me, but I don't know my blood type.
"The sweat of a thousand puny-weak men"

Those blood type personalities are a load of shite too, i could fit any of them.
One of those systems thats worded very ambigously, like horoscopes.
"You get headaches in hot weather, you don't like the taste of burnt bananas and you enjoy listening to music" oh yes that must be me!
A-. No no, B+, I don't wanna sell myself too high.

But don't worry, geogaddi, I'll gladly donate you some blood.

I hope it eats your flesh. Fairy.
I know nothing about human blood types so i started reading about it!!


Looking at this from an evolutionary perspective, why are there different blood types? Aliens? Interbreeding with primitive primates?

Present your theories in an orderly manner gentlemen.

Considering how many of us on the planet there are, I'd say its to make it easier for us to die :thumbs:
Could be to try and control outbreaks of disease.
I'm O-, as it says so on my blood donation card, which they check everytime I'm milked for my crimson life giving elixir.

/plug Donate blood!
Vampire all-you-can-eat ?5.99
For undisclosed reasons, I wonder how a blowjob by a vampire babe would be. And don't give me links on that silly C-movie where they bite the guy's cock off