Human Development; Peace; Democracy


Feb 3, 2005
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Human Development Index
The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for countries worldwide. It is a standard means of measuring well-being, especially child welfare. It is used to distinguish whether the country is a developed, a developing or an under-developed country, and also to measure the impact of economic policies on quality of life.

Democracy Index
The Democracy Index is an index compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit that measures the state of democracy in 167 countries. The Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index is based on 60 indicators grouped in five different categories: electoral process and pluralism, civil liberties, functioning of government, political participation and political culture. The Index was first produced in 2006, with updates produced in 2008 and 2010.

Global Peace Index
The Global Peace Index (GPI) is an attempt to measure the relative position of nations' and regions' peacefulness. It is the product of Institute for Economics and Peace and developed in consultation with an international panel of peace experts from peace institutes and think tanks with data collected and collated by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Factors examined include internal factors such as levels of violence and crime within the country and factors in a country's external relations such as military expenditure and wars.

Congratulations to Norway, which places #1 in [strike]all 3 indexes[/strike] 2 of the indexes*. Remarkable.

Did you really have to link to Norway's Wikipedia article? You think people don't know what Norway is?
actually Norway placed 5th in the global peace index
The Nordic countries representin' in the Democracy Index
I think there's an error or something, America isn't number one on any of them.
well it's no surprise. I mean "global peace index" and "democracy index" do develop humans ..well those who can afford it
Warmongering :LOL:

Oh, my mistake. Still, 5th is really good.

They were first in 2007, but their reign of terrifying peace-like ways is over.
well it's no surprise. I mean "global peace index" and "democracy index" do develop humans ..well those who can afford it

I think this hit some blind spot in the predictability spectrum. So predictable... I didn't even see it coming. Fascinating.
what? someone spelling out the obvious is surprising to you? if so you should probably keep up with currents events more often.

anyways they're in a middle of war. it's the same reason why canada has dropped in ranking in those same indexes.
I just think that just about any one else would've realized it was a joke. Also, of course how you say it is a part of it. Like a joke, except not funny, witty, or original.
zomg some sandy vagina on the internet doesnt find me funny! what shall I do?
Illiterate Americans raped Stern's immediate family, burned down his home, and keyed his car.
I thought the moose reference you had before you edited in "keyed his car" was better, although highly over used.
lol just like everyone raped you in the kinder egg thread. you're a sore loser
lol just like everyone raped you in the kinder egg thread. you're a sore loser
I'm a sore loser? You are bringing it up because you are still sore about it. :LOL: Tool. You got ****ing rocked in that thread, and you can't even comprehend why.

Go play with your crayons. Try not to eat them.
I'm a sore loser? You are bringing it up because you are still sore about it. :LOL: Tool. You got ****ing rocked in that thread, and you can't even comprehend why.

Go play with your crayons. Try not to eat them.

lol what color is the sky in your world Virus? there wasnt a single person who agreed with you. not that I blame them as your points were ridiculous. I personally like how you think a come back is taking the exact same thing someone accuses you of and repeating it back to the person ad nauseum. "I know what you are but what am I" kinda solidifies the impression that you're immature and a poor debater
Stern's idea of winning an argument is quoting someone the most times. They are like gold stars to him. I know when you went to special school, everyone wins. It's a tie for first with the whole class!
Hide your kids, hide your wife. They rapin everyone round here.
Stern's idea of winning an argument is quoting someone the most times. They are like gold stars to him. I know when you went to special school, everyone wins. It's a tie for first with the whole class!

your idea of winning a fight is turning tail and running :LOL:

"he who fights and runs away lives to fling poo another day" - some roman dude
your idea of winning a fight is turning tail and running :LOL:

"he who fights and runs away lives to fling poo another day" - some roman dude
Oh, stop ****ing up this thread, you idiot. You aren't even amusing anymore.

Gold star for you, okay? You win. First place.
Can you guys please just f*ck and get it over with.
Hey, so, America is a really good country filled with intelligent people.

And consoles are way better than PC gaming.
Isn't there a rule against the sort of shit in these comments?
Isn't there a rule against the sort of shit in these comments?
This was supposed to be in politics, where there are no rules. :LOL:

Well, it's not bothering me and I apologize if it offends you. Maybe some think I go "too far" but I think they are taking it too seriously.
I don't visit the politics forums, but if they are all as amusing as this, perhaps I should rofl
The thing with all this shit flinging is that I totally expect it from Virus. But Stern? I have to admit I'm a little disappointed with you buddy.