Hunter Bags Deer With 7 Legs


Companion Cube
Mar 9, 2006
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Rick Lisko hunts deer with a bow but got his most unusual one driving his truck down his mile-long driveway. The young buck had nub antlers -- and seven legs. Lisko said it also had both male and female reproductive organs. ?It was definitely a freak of nature,'' Lisko said. ?I guess it's a real rarity.''


"And by the way, I did eat it,'' Lisko said. ?It was tasty."

:x The guy is nuts.
I found that funny...I havn't seen any pics of the 7 legged deer, but he ate it instead of taking it to a lab or something? Sounds interesting.
Dumb animals, why do they get 7 legs and we get stuck with only 2?
Um he accidently run over a deer and rather than wasting it he actually eats it? That's probably as least offensive as you can be in that situation.

I'd rather get it tested to make sure the surrounding area isn't filled with toxic chemicals or something. More than likely just a 1 in a billion thing, but I don't want to be hunting in that area where chemicals are being buried.
I'd rather get it tested to make sure the surrounding area isn't filled with toxic chemicals or something. More than likely just a 1 in a billion thing, but I don't want to be hunting in that area where chemicals are being buried.

makes you wonder what a shithole we made of our Earth.
I love the way most of you can't just accept that something simply 'is'

If there was a picture, you'd say it had been photoshopped. Because there isn't you complain.
What does it matter, the thing's dead anyway.

*bows head in respect*
No, most of us would simply like this to be validated so that we can properly form our opinions without having to think about "what if it`s fake".
No, most of us would simply like this to be validated so that we can properly form our opinions without having to think about "what if it`s fake".

That wont happenunless you see a 7 leged deer for yourself. :rolleyes:
Suspicious that he didn't take ONE picture lol
That wont happenunless you see a 7 leged deer for yourself. :rolleyes:

Or the guy took a picture of the deer. If we saw it, we'd more than likely believe it. Why do you believe the word of everybody, when EVERYBODY in this world lies? Believing everything makes you more gullible than a christian.
Or the guy took a picture of the deer. If we saw it, we'd more than likely believe it. Why do you believe the word of everybody, when EVERYBODY in this world lies? Believing everything makes you more gullible than a christian.

I don't believe everything. I just accept it. Wether I believe it or not doesn't change the fact that I find it interesting and believable.
Well when you do, I will be more inclined to trust that it exists :|
Well when you do, I will be more inclined to trust that it exists :|

Based on the description, and the nature of it, whats not to believe? Why cant there be a mutated deer?
Based on the description, and the nature of it, whats not to believe? Why cant there be a mutated deer?

Jesus ****ing christ, how is this hard to grasp? I will not say that it does not exist, I will simply say that proof would be welcome, as proof reinforces belief.
Based on the description, and the nature of it, whats not to believe? Why cant there be a mutated deer?

99.9% of every deer we've seen has had 4 legs....

Would you believe me if I said "I am sitting next to Pamela Anderson!"? I have NO proof but my word...which is the only proof we have of this guy...

Making judgments upon facts is how most people work.
Jesus ****ing christ, how is this hard to grasp? I will not say that it does not exist, I will simply say that proof would be welcome, as proof reinforces belief.

Unless you critisize the proof? Which knowing you, you would.
99.9% of every deer we've seen has had 4 legs....

Would you believe me if I said "I am sitting next to Pamela Anderson!"? I have NO proof but my word...which is the only proof we have of this guy...

Making judgments upon facts is how most people work.

There are many cases of simelar things though, even in a human. So it's possible.

And no, I wouldn't believe you. Because if you were, you wouldn't be posting. You'd be making coffee being a polite host to such a famous person.
That`s dependant on the subject, if you failed to see this response coming, you do not know the part of me that debates too well.
That`s dependant on the subject, if you failed to see this response coming, you do not know the part of me that debates too well.

I took the subject to be 'a 7 legged deer' ..
CyberPitz said what needed to be said, proven facts are far easier to discuss than unproven facts. If there is proof, and I see no reason to see why this proof should be contested, then that`s the end of it. Until then I`m going to keep thinking of a deer with crab pincers rampaging through a village.

Would make a great film
CyberPitz said what needed to be said, proven facts are far easier to discuss than unproven facts. If there is proof, and I see no reason to see why this proof should be contested, then that`s the end of it. Until then I`m going to keep thinking of a deer with crab pincers rampaging through a village.

Would make a great film

There are many cases of simelar things though, even in a human. So it's possible.

Yep, exactly so I don't see why this is so hard to believe, there are for instance many cases of two headed animals and other deformities. However I do have trouble believing he actually ate it.;)
Bilgo took photos and sent information on the animal to DNR wildlife managers.

he did apparently take pictures, just none for us :'(
will be funny if another arm grow on him the next day
Some of you guys believe everything you read on the internet.