Hunters kill one of last surviving Amur leopards.


Jun 20, 2004
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So in Russia these hunters shot a leopard. Unfortunately it was one of the last seven surviving female Amur leopards living in the wild. There are at least 34 estimated leopards left which are mostly males. But there needs to be more females for more leopards. The worst part about the story is that the hunter had bad aim and shot the animal in it's tailbone. Then to finish off the wounded animal he beat the head with a heavy object. These leopards, like all animals, naturally avoided humans. So you see, not all the retards are in America nor are all redneck hunters either. ;)
simple fix find a female, artificially inseminate, use genetically modified sperm sperm and get lotsa females

Genetic modification = pew pew
pretty horrible that this sort of thing happens even to protected animals ..then again hunters are not exactly known for their intelligence. Hopefully he'll be charged with something ..however knowing how lenient states are with hunters it would surprise me if it was just a minimal fine...any way you slice it regardless of nationality big game hunters are idiots

to be fair russians dont have this ..and not as much this ..but when the vice president of the united states participates in it you know there's not going much resistance
Hunters should go up against things that can actually fight back.

Like dinosaurs.
I'd prefer if they went to the animal's level not the other way around ...

stripped naked, and set loose in the forest to stalk it's prey ..we'll see who's laughing now
Except the Vice president shoots other game :)
These hunters are retarded. I got no problems with someone shooting something and then to eat it (probably a more ethical thing to do than buy meat in the supermarket), but no one is gonna eat a leopard.
yes but he only wounds them ...he's far more effective at mass killing ducks/p[h]easants ..but who wouldnt when they're in cages

There, he and nine other hunting buddies shot at 500 ringneck pheasants, killing 417 of them. The V.P. was credited with offing 70 of the birds, as well as an unknown number of mallard ducks.
I'd prefer if they went to the animal's level not the other way around ...

stripped naked, and set loose in the forest to stalk it's prey ..we'll see who's laughing now

yes if I ever go to hunt something I will be crawling naked stalkign lions whit a knife,it should be awsome!

but in a more serious way I wouldnt like to hunt animals,and if I ever do it I prefer to use something like a bow,looks cooler
no knife ...just what sweet baby jesus gave you and nothing else ..claws against fingernails
Hunters should go up against things that can actually fight back.

Like dinosaurs.
Yeah, they should go all predator and hunt down some WORTHY prey.

Just without the lasers... that probably makes the meat a little bit inedible.

Edit - Also, sucks @ OP.
I'd prefer if they went to the animal's level not the other way around ...

stripped naked, and set loose in the forest to stalk it's prey ..we'll see who's laughing now

Do i regain respect as a hunter because i actually do this?
Well i use a branch and i eat whatever i kill, oh and i i'm not actually naked.
well depending on the animal you kill ..if you survive an encounter with a lion then by all means yes ..if it's a rabbit ..not so much ..but you also must eat/use EVERYTHING (yes even testicles) ..anything else would be a thrill kill and nothing else

and branches are still weapons ..until you meet a branch weilding rabbit in the field they are forbidden
Of course Short Recoil eats the testicles, its his source of TESTOSTERONE!! RAAWRRR!!!
Hunting is the assertion of a primal, darwinistic rage.

If they're too stupid to build a rifle, too bad!
I believe more should be done to protect hunters from being shot by other hunters ...I mean orange vest? why not just advertise where they are? no, to keep them safe all hunters should wear camoflauge from head to toe ..with face paint and hat branches (optional: shaped like antlers to fool your prey) ..oh and instead of using cellphones to communicate they should be given duck calls so as to not disturb their prey
maybe we should trow inmates in a closed city whit guns and go hunting whit more guns,that is more equall
What's wrong with hunting? Why do we have to eat every bit of the animal? I have a problem with hunting big cats and stuff like that, that's just ridiculous, but around here we NEED hunters to keep the deer population down.
what happened to the wolves who preyed on the deer? why do they have to be culled?
what happened to the wolves who preyed on the deer? why do they have to be culled?

Oh shut the hell up. What's done is done. There haven't been wolves living in the Syracuse for ages, coyotes maybe, wolves no. They don't live this far south. Without hunting there would be a gross overpopulation of deer which would cause even worse problems. Get off it, Stern.
I think that's the same leopard that was featured on a Discovery Channel special last night.

Also, short recoil pins down live animals and bites off their testicles before he kills them with his bare hands.
Oh shut the hell up. What's done is done. There haven't been wolves living in the Syracuse for ages, coyotes maybe, wolves no. They don't live this far south. Without hunting there would be a gross overpopulation of deer which would cause even worse problems. Get off it, Stern.

well that went completely over your head ...again why are there no wolves to thin the goddam population? if there is over population usually they move into other areas so food isnt scarce ..again why cant they do this? ..the problem is man made cant ignore it and then try to push the idiotic faux humanitarian justification that you're doing them a favour by saving them from starvation
Omg at that remote controlled gun range bbc article you posted Stern :/ , what the F.
What the hell do wolves have to do with this? Wolves don't live in this ecosystem. The deer depend on man made crops, so yes the problem maybe man made, well, we can fix it too. Guess what, Stern. Animals kill each other. Humans are animals, we kill other animals and each other. It's the way everything has evolved. So what if it's for sport? We eat the deer we kill as well. And don't say animals don't kill each other for sport either. Watch a well fed house cat kill a mouse.

It's how evolution works.

And the "it's not fair you have guns" BS is just that: Bull ****ing shit. Go tell a lion "it's not fair, you have claws! You have to retract them and pummel the caribou to death!"
Every animal has advantages and disadvantages. We have the advantage of a powerful brain, animals have the advantage of powerful physical abilities. Intelligence wins. Boo ****ing hoo
I think that's the same leopard that was featured on a Discovery Channel special last night.

Also, short recoil pins down live animals and bites off their testicles before he kills them with his bare hands.

I actually watched that last night too. Its a shame, these animals are beautiful.
Intelligence wins. Boo ****ing hoo
So you are intelligent enough to be able to kill everything around you but you aren't inelligent enough to know when it should be stopped?

I am not against hunting as long as you aren't some idiot in a closed off range shooting at quail that have been put there in positions they can't escape from. We do have big brains, why we don't use them is what gets to me. We are intelligent enough to build a nuclear bomb yet we are too stupid to realize the effects it will have on the world around us. If we don't do something soon our "intelligence" will be our downfall.
So you are intelligent enough to be able to kill everything around you but you aren't inelligent enough to know when it should be stopped?

I am not against hunting as long as you aren't some idiot in a closed off range shooting at quail that have been put there in positions they can't escape from. We do have big brains, why we don't use them is what gets to me. We are intelligent enough to build a nuclear bomb yet we are too stupid to realize the effects it will have on the world around us. If we don't do something soon our "intelligence" will be our downfall.
I agree 100%. What these hunters did was stupid. What I'm pissed off about is people like stern who somehow think that there's something wrong with hunting ANY animal, even if there is an overabundance of them. That's simply ridiculous.
Where the hell is the sport in shooting animals in a closed range? That's just killing for the sake of shedding blood, nothing else.
I agree 100%. What these hunters did was stupid. What I'm pissed off about is people like stern who somehow think that there's something wrong with hunting ANY animal, even if there is an overabundance of them. That's simply ridiculous.
Where the hell is the sport in shooting animals in a closed range? That's just killing for the sake of shedding blood, nothing else.

I think Stern has a point too though that ties into what I was saying. We think we are fixing the problem, how many times before in history did we think we were fixing the problem only to make matters worse?

If you are hunting deer to actually eat whatever you can off it I support you 100%, if you are hunting just to kill something I think you should be intelligent enough to know better. ;)
I think Stern has a point too though that ties into what I was saying. We think we are fixing the problem, how many times before in history did we think we were fixing the problem only to make matters worse?

If you are hunting deer to actually eat whatever you can off it I support you 100%, if you are hunting just to kill something I think you should be intelligent enough to know better. ;)

If you are hunting just to kill something you need your head checked.
What I'm pissed off about is people like stern who somehow think that there's something wrong with hunting ANY animal, even if there is an overabundance of them. That's simply ridiculous.

you're putting words in my mouth ..I was specifically calling into question this statement:

Without hunting there would be a gross overpopulation of deer which would cause even worse problems

nothing more didnt sit well with me that you tried to pass it off as completely humanitarian when it's not; we created this situation ...anyways you took whatever statements I may have made and decided to run off in different unrelated tangents ..probably as a defensive response to what you may have seen as an attack on hunting in general .. which is the tradional reaction hunters have whenever any one of their motivations are questioned ...I think part of the outrage stems from deep seeded guilt but I digress

btw you contradict yourself:

If you are hunting just to kill something you need your head checked.

Animals kill each other. Humans are animals, we kill other animals and each other. It's the way everything has evolved. So what if it's for sport? We eat the deer we kill as well. And don't say animals don't kill each other for sport either.

you admit it's for sport, the meat collecting aspect of it is secondary. Sport hunting is nothing less than glamourised thrill killing with an added meat harvesting to make it seem morally justified