

Dec 3, 2004
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In my map no matter how far a player falls they lose 10 health. Ive sorted out one problem of falling a long way and dying (i need that players screen to fade however after a certain point - DM map, any ideas).

Also i have a ledge which to get to, a player should still hurt more than 10 but how do i set this? it cant be a trigger_hurt because anyone on this ledge will constantly be hurt for no reason.
sabre0001 said:
In my map no matter how far a player falls they lose 10 health. Ive sorted out one problem of falling a long way and dying (i need that players screen to fade however after a certain point - DM map, any ideas).

Also i have a ledge which to get to, a player should still hurt more than 10 but how do i set this? it cant be a trigger_hurt because anyone on this ledge will constantly be hurt for no reason.
there's probably an easier way of doing it, otherwise maybe those logic entities mixed with triggers perhaps.
In the original HL, there was a server setting to change fall damage to "Normal" or "Realistic" where normal gave you a 10 hp hit for any fall that was high enough to damage you, whereas realistic gave you varying damage depending on how high you fell.

Assuming HL2DM does it the same as HL did, normal is the default setting which means its loading with that when you start the server to test the map. You could load the server manually with damage set to realistic.

However, if you want it to work on all servers, create your trigger hurt just above jumping height so the player falls through it as they come to land on the ledge. I wouldn't recommend this though, as people don't like maps which take control away from the server.

Saying that, there may be a way to have maps force the server to run in realistic mode for the duration of the map, which would work, but I don't know how to do that if it is possible.