Hydra has joined the madness.

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Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Hello people, just thought to register here, and meet more and more friends. Started playing HL(2) at the last summer. Got the HL2: DM, DoD and CS:S week or a two ago. Kthxbai. :rolling:
You use the word 'moar'. Go stand in group B.
Wilkommen auf der forum.

Is how i would say welcome to the forum if i was to say it in German. And i don't know much German at all.
I highly endorse the substitution of the word "more" for "omar."
This noob thread is now about how much of a noob evil^milk is.
Quoted to preserve the humiliating spelling mistake forever and ever.

I was going to do the same, but I was worried he actually meant to say omar... in hopes of starting a new trend.
I actually mispelled it initially and thought, "Hmm, Omar sounds pretty awesome."

So I left it mispelled.

Mistakes these days are omar often than not resulting in memes.
Yay! We've finally got a Hydra in Half-Life 2!
I don't like the Hydra. Just like the Tentacle. I like this HYDRA! From a clan.

Oh and, the "Moar" shall be repaired in a minute then if you want to.
"Moar" puts me in mind of an animal...

A very fat, irritating animal.
*stabs moar creature*
These forums were more interesting over the summer to be honest. So you missed anything good.
I still say we need a newb forum.
Seriously, who do we have to overthrow to get our newb forum back?
Quick, everyone, GET FIDEL CASTRO HATS!
The other day I bought a beret with the communist red star on it from a Rastafarian at a flea market. Will that count?
You're thinking too small...

*unrolls a sheet of paper and draws up a plan*

Munro's a figurehead. He's the one we see. The real puppetmaster behind the curtain is Starmonkey! Topple him and--

<line disconnect>
Squad Member: Stigmata

Primary role: Comedic Relief

Secondary role: large penis

Ancillary role: KICKIN' ASS

Helplife2.net Squad Assembly, GO!
Squad Member: Jintor

Primary Role: Asian-Australian Psychonaut

Secondary Role: Artist

Ancillary Role: ROBOT

Helplife2.net Squad Assembly, GO!
Squad Member: Bad Hat

Primary Role: I brought pizza

Secondary Role: It has anchovies

Ancillary Role: Could use a re-heat, though

Helplife2.net Squad Assembly, GO!
Can anyone help me find the Gif of Shaun of the dead edited with "Angry Lawyer, Pi, and Samon" running and smacking munro in the face?
*Lobs tear gas into thread*

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